Squirrel Hoying

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Mitch invited Fia over to his apartment that night for a wine night, kitty cuddles, and to plan and hopefully film the video that Mitch hoped would make light of the difficult situation and at least ease Scott into knowledge. He tried explaining it to Fia and she couldn't quite grasp it, but was fully on board and ready for whatever the ideas may be. She came over bearing her video camera, tripod, was fully equipped in a Rilakkuma onesie (that appropriately matched her new best friend's) and an eager attitude.

"So, explain to me again how this is supposed to work?"

"You and I are going to reenact one of the moments that Scott and I met and we're going to record it and I'll edit it and put it into a short little film for him to watch."

"Why?" Fia asked.

"Because I feel like... I don't know. I feel like maybe, just maybe this will get him to accept it and move on with his day in the current calendar period." Mitch shrugged, pouring a glass of Chardonnay into two coffee cups.


"He deserves to live his life normally. I mean, sure, he's living life pretty normally while thinking it's the same day he injured his brain. He deserves to make new friends and live a little more."

Once again, Fia protested. "Why?"

"Fia... I don't know how to make my ideas any clearer."

She grinned and leaned against him on the couch, batting her eyes. "Why?"

"God, fine. It's because I like him," Mitch said under his breath.

"And why are you making this video?"

"Because... you're not making me say this. Shut up." Mitch crossed his arms. He glared at Fia and she only smiled brightly at him.


"Fia, stop it. I really, really, really like that damn boy and I'm going to shout it so loud so you can hear it so you won't have to ask me why again."

"I just wanted to hear you say it. So, what's the plan, boss?" She couldn't help but chuckle. She just wanted to hear it for herself, even though she could obviously tell. Hell, the entire world could tell how much he cared for Scott.

"So, I think I want to reenact what happened on the very first day I met him... but I don't want to reenact the entire thing. The first day I met him I was singing a song I wrote called Find You. He was standing in the hallway, like this." Mitch got up off the couch and stood in the hallway leading into the living room where his upright piano stood against the closest wall. "So, he starts clapping and it scares me half to death. This is back when I thought his name was Ott-sco, because I clearly didn't put two and two together that that was Pig Latin."

"That wasn't really Pig Latin... it was us being silly and cute. But, go on." Fia nodded, watching Mitch show the story.

"Okay. Well, he came in and we talked a bit. I don't remember what he said but I do know he was pretty much telling me how great I was, and, like, kill me now because I had just met him and I was too flustered to function." Mitch walked in and sat on the piano bench. "So, here I am, staring at the flawless, tall hottie. I tell him that he needs to show me what he can do, I so get off the piano bench and he sits down and then plays like a maniac and-" Mitch's mouth dropped.

"What?" Fia was practically on the edge of the couch.

"I freaking recorded it!" Mitch screamed while he grabbed his phone. Fia was watching this all happen, trying to soak in what was going on. Mitch opened the file up and let it play he gave commentary while they listened. The file played from the very beginning to when Mitch began playing 'Find You.' It consisted of every exchange between the two, to which Fia sat and listened patiently.

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