Where's Waldo?

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"So, this is the correct fingering for the C scale, plus all of these other scales?" Mitch pointed to the chart Scott had made him. He felt a little wrong for using Scott in this manner, but it allowed him to see a new side of Scott. So far he'd seen the silly and Tigger-esque Scott. This Scott was very serious and concerned for Mitch's knowledge... and Mitch was living for it.

"Yep! As long as you think with your right hand '5-4-3-2-1 3-2-1' and then think that in reverse as you go down, and same rule for the left hand but, of course, opposite, you'll be fine. I suggest to practice your scales as much as you can. It helps with fluidity. As far as sight reading goes, that comes over time. I can suggest some books to you, or maybe I can just help you with it on the days you're recording." Scott grinned. "Whichever you prefer, Mitch."

"I would love that." Mitch leaned into Scott's shoulder. "You can teach me and... well, what can I do for you in return?"

"Teach me how you speak that high and beautifully. Your voice is insane. Can I hear you sing something?"

"I, um..." Mitch looked bashfully at his feet. "I just kind of do it."

"I was kidding about the teaching part. I am just so mesmerized. Your voice is literally the prettiest thing I've ever heard. Sing for me, please?" Scott began playing the piano, the beginning to 'Halo' by Beyoncé. "You get brownie points if you can just sing this song without me even telling you what it is.

"Oh, god. I don't know." Mitch bit his lip, hiding back a smirk. Scott finished the short introduction and Mitch began singing.

"Remember those walls I built?
Well, baby they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound
I found a way to let you in
But, I never really had a doubt
Could you please raise the key
Because this is too low."

Scott laughed and continued the verse, befitting of the situation.

"I'm sorry I'm a baritone
So I like things to be low
I'll change the key for you tho-ough
I ain't ever gonna shut you out!"

Scott changed the key on the last three notes and Mitch continued in the new key, grinning at Scott's precious humor.

"Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby, I can feel your halo
This key is perfect, by the way."

Scott had to stop right there, bursting into a fit of laughter. "Stop it, we are the same person."

"You have to change lyrics sometimes to fit the situation. Welcome to my world. If I could sing my life story, I would do it," Mitch said with a sing-song tone.

"We literally are the same person. I riff for my life." Scott did, indeed, riff, and he even used his hands to be dramatic.

"So, that's my voice. Sorry if it disappointed your previous anticipation." He shrugged and outlined a C major chord in first inversion and played it gently in the upper range of the piano.

"You can't disappoint me, Mitch." Scott put his hand on Mitch's knee and instantly pulled it away. "God, I'm sorry. I like to break people's personal bubbles."

"No, you're totally fine." Mitch grinned. "Typically I hate it when people invade my personal space. It feels okay with you." He realized he was getting too sentimental. "We have such synergy and I'm living for it, sis."

"I love it." Scott grinned, tapping the back of Mitch's snapback. "So, do you want to continue to fake not being able to play the piano, or should we go grab lunch?"

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