I'll Be There

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Mitch spent awhile in the studio by himself, laying down a few tracks and being productive. He truly hadn't seen many days like this where he was dedicated to his work, but when those days came by he would get so many things accomplished. It was a great feeling - to know you're getting things done. He felt confident with one of his songs enough to send it off to Ben for production work, but he never felt completely satisfied with his work. At least not today. Ben's works struck him with a slight negative connotation. Sure, Mitch understood his situation at RCA. He was, indeed, on a short contract. But that contract length was enough to get an EP out and to work towards getting a few local gigs. He couldn't help but feel that, at first, Ben was just doing Avi a favor by inviting Mitch on board. But Ben said that Mitch was a "fresh breath of air." He was glad to have him there. So, he'd try to make him proud. He would prove that he could balance everything in his life. He'd make it work.

Mitch finished up two and a half hours later and reached for his Starbucks drink to finish it up, only to realize his last sip was his literal last. He smiled, grateful for Scott for bringing it to him, and remembered that he'd wanted to talk to him. So, he did as he was told. He sent him a text message and got the quickest reply.

Can we meet at the park we went to yesterday? 

He received another text quickly after that, which only made him smile bigger.

Can you tell me which park it was because I have no idea. Scott was absolutely precious sometimes. So, Mitch quickly typed him the address and made his way to the park, stopping by Starbucks to get drinks for both him and Scott in hopes to return the favor.

It was such a beautiful day out, so Mitch went ahead and got out of his car and sat down on one of the swings, gently moving back and forth while he scrolled through Tumblr and sipped on his soy latte. His Tumblr consisted of mostly fashion, so he'd occasionally speak out loud if an outfit was too awful, a little Ooh, girl. Go back to Thrift Town would slip out of his mouth.

"Hi, Mitch." Scott came up behind the swing set, wringing his hands like they'd just been in a bucket of water. He walked around and sat down on the swing next to Mitch.

"Oh, hi!" Mitch smiled and picked up Scott's drink and handed it to him. "For earlier. That drink got me through the rest of the day, so thank you." A soft welcome was all that was heard from Scott in response. Mitch had expected Scott to be gushing with questions about the video, about their life together... anything. But this was the first time that Scott was quiet. It was absolutely unnerving. "Scotty, what's wrong? Bad morning? I'm sorry I couldn't talk earlier. I--"

"No, it wasn't that at all." Cue smile. Scott remained stationary, not even moving back and forth on the swing. His world was stopped for this moment. "My morning was, well, as okay as a repeated morning can ever be." He shrugged and took a sip of his drink and then stared at the markings on the cup. Mitch had put Scott's name on the cup with a little heart next to it. He must have had a nice barista.

"So, you're different. I'm sorry I'm probably not what you expected." Mitch chuckled and kicked some of the gravel, ruffling the ground beneath him.

"God, no. It's not that at all. Y-you're perfect."

"So, talk to me then. What's going on?"

Scott didn't want to proceed. He didn't know how to proceed. He technically was meeting Mitch for the first time, and having to do what he set out to do was absolutely painful, though it had to be done. He just didn't know how. His social anxiety came bubbling back up... something he'd learned to deal with by just being over confident. It often times worked, causing him to overcome and make new friends. Today it tripped up his words, especially since he was scared with every last one that spilled from his mouth.

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