It Was a Tuesday

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"Fia. What the hell is going on?" Mitch couldn't stop laughing to hide his insecurity. He genuinely had no clue what was happening... nor did Scott, for that matter. "I just spoke to him yesterday. Literally, just spoke to him. We took pictures. We looked fucking adorable, too."

"I know, I know. Calm down. SIT down, actually. You're freaking out too much. I need to tell you about Scott, and I need you to listen to everything."

Mitch sighed and sat down on the piano bench and looked up at Fia, listening to every word she had to say as she slowly unveiled every single day for Scott Hoying.

"Four years ago Scott was on his way to RCA, just as he'd always planned. It was a Tuesday. August 10th, 2010. He was driving on the 10 when he got hit by a drunk driver. 12:34PM, and someone was already drunk for the day. The driver in the Tahoe who hit Scott was completely fine, but Scott suffered the worst of it. He had multiple brain injuries, plenty of broken bones... they had to use the Jaws of Life to pry his car open to get him out. He almost lost his life that day... but thank goodness he didn't. He was in the hospital for four months. He finally came out of his coma within a week and a half of being in the hospital, but he had no recollection of what happened. They discovered after a few days that he woke up every morning, thinking it was August 10th. He still does to this day believe that it's August 10th, 2010.

"His slate gets wiped clean every night while he sleeps, Mitch. It's like his brain has an automatic reset button. He can't retain any information that he's learned that day. Every single day he comes into RCA and works on music because that's what he did on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Every single day is Tuesday to him. So, four years later, and he doesn't remember any of it. Mitch, it's like he's never even met you."

Mitch remained silent, trying to register everything he'd just been told. His eyes which were once filled with confusion were now filled with sorrow. "I just..." He shook his head, losing the words right out of his mouth. "I don't understand. It's not April Fools. You're not kidding with me."

"I really wish I were, Mitch." Fia wiped away a tear that escaped and sighed loud and heavily. "It's literally the most awful situation... but he lives every day to its fullest, because that's the type of person he is. He comes up with some beautiful songs, but unfortunately each song is left unfinished."

"He played a song earlier that was influenced by a dream and-Oh my god. How could I have been so insensitive! I'm such a bitch." Mitch shook his head with disgust. "I need to go back and apologize or something. I was such an asshole to him! I need t-"

"You can't do that. You don't need to see him today. You can try again tomorrow." Fia put her hand on Mitch's arm and he looked at her with confusion.

"Try again tomorrow? That just sounds awful. I don't understand that... so his slate is wiped clean every single day. He doesn't remember me. He won't remember this... it's like a second chance I don't deserve."

"That's precisely what it is. And it sounds completely awful, I know. But maybe it's just best if you pretend like that day never happened. I had meant to tell you but for some reason I thought you had already known. I was going to tell you this morning but Mrs. Robinson insisted on being a c-uh, a not so nice word." Fia sighed and kicked against the floor gently. "It's rough... but it's a daily process. He came to us before the accident. He's been coming here for four years thinking he's just started at RCA a little over a month ago."

"So, I take it he knew you before the accident?"

"Yes. I've been here the past four years. He's partly the reason why I haven't moved on to a new job or started recording myself. I wanted to keep something he sees every day consistent. I enjoy my job, but I enjoy seeing Scott's face brighten up every single morning when he sees me. He's like my best friend in a sense, and I can't do that to my best friend. Every day is a brand new adventure for him. I was so glad that you were here yesterday. You helped give him a bit of variation, you know? He was so happy to have met you, and I don't doubt that you'd have been a great friend for him. But, Mitch, you have to know that having a friendship with him will be very rocky. You're going to have to remind yourself that he won't know you. He won't remember you."

"But what about the photographs? Doesn't he have those, or see them and question when he took them?"

"Every night he documents his pictures. He has pictures from the days when he realizes what has happened, and pictures from the days that are completely fine and normal. He's been taking a photo every day for the past four years. His roommate, Kirstin, has been taking care of organizing those. Each night she goes into his room and searches for the new photos he's added. Unless he's put them in his "Memory Book", she will take the pictures and store them in a scrapbook she's got saved in her room. If he ever asks about it, she'll pull it out and show him what he's seen and where he's been."

"So... God, this is so hard to grasp," Mitch said with a sigh into his wrist, his palm resting on his mouth. "I understand it, but it's so awful."

"It is. We all know. We're all aware of it, too, and we try to make the environment okay for him."

"He's got some great friends." Mitch smiled and put his hands in his lap, fumbling with the frayed ends on the kneeholes of his jeans. "So, I guess we'll start fresh tomorrow?"

"We will. As far as today goes, I need to go talk to him. He's probably already called Kirstin. He has panic attacks whenever he can't control what's happening, and he most definitely is probably having one right now." Fia patted Mitch on the shoulder and headed towards the door.

"I feel absolutely awful. I caused it. I really wish I'd waited and listened to you."

"Honey, it's another day. It sounds bad, but it's another day. You'll always have tomorrow, and the day after that, and the next day..." She gave Mitch a small wave before turning slowly on her heel and heading towards the room Scott remained in. Mitch stayed quiet, staring at the ground. He was just laughing with him yesterday... but his leopard print snap back boy would never remember it.

You'll always have tomorrow. And the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day...

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