I'll Be Your Queen of Hearts

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You'll always have tomorrow, and the day after that, and the next day...

Fia's words rang in Mitch's ears like a song. He went home that night, extremely distraught. He paced back and forth in his apartment, contemplating extremely hard, but all of his thoughts were a big jumble. He wasn't focused on one particular thing. He began talking out loud, as if Wyatt could hear him. His sphinx kitten weaved in and out of Mitch's feet in figure eights while Mitch paced the living room, slowly and carefully so he wouldn't step on Wyatt's tail or paws. He couldn't sit down, but he couldn't stay in one place.

"I don't get it, Wyatt. What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and couldn't remember what you did the day before? And then the next day you don't remember either of those days... and it just goes on and on?" Mitch looked to Wyatt for a response and shook his head, realizing no response would come from the cat except for a gentle meow and a rub of affection. "Right. You're a cat. But how do you live your life like that, having every day be the same? Does he wake up every single day and do the same things? How does he work? What's he going to do when he gets older? Does he ever remember anything? Can he ever remember anything? Why the hell am I so concerned about this?" Once again, Mitch looked at the cat and shook his head. "Of course. I mean, I shouldn't worry. I can just go back to RCA and pretend like it never happened? Scott wasn't that prevalent in my mind, was he?" Mitch pictured Scott in his mind. He had done quite a bit of staring at the blonde and was able to recall all of his features. The way his blonde hair poked out from underneath his snapback. How lightly colored his eyebrows were against his skin tone. His cute wrinkles on his forehead whenever he raised his eyebrows, and especially his eyes... such beautiful and captivating crystal blue orbs that Mitch might have even dreamed about after the first day of meeting Scott. He also could recall Scott's laugh lines... that was the most attractive thing on a guy in Mitch's mind. It showed that Scott had a wonderful humor, which Mitch loved. It showed that, maybe despite the fact that Scott lived every day as the day of his accident, he could still laugh and enjoy life. That is what Mitch concluded from this... that Scott still seemed happy.

On the first day of meeting him he appeared happy. He had a pep in his step, and was extremely quick to become friends with Mitch. His musical abilities were no less than phenomenal. His voice matched his persona in a way... the way Scott could glide notes like they were butter represented that even though his life was crazy, it was smooth sailing. The girl that Fia mentioned, Kirstin, must be doing a hell of a job to keep Scott afloat. Mitch secretly wished he could meet Kirstin at some point and talk to her... he was really unsure why he was so interested in this situation.

Maybe it was because he felt some sort of gravitational pull from Scott from the very beginning. The way he came in and made himself known. How he put himself in the situation with Mitch as if they'd been together in a musical setting before. Their eyes connected when they spoke-that was a major turn on for Mitch-and he could see more than just their conversation in his eyes. The conversation they had, though short lived, had depth. They shared a bit of history with each other. They shared only a portion of their souls with each other, something that Mitch would never do with someone he had just met. Maybe that's why he was so interested in the situation... he was interested in Scott. Sure, he was attracted to the blonde. It was hard not to be. Scott's height was a little excessive for Mitch's usual type, but he felt protected when they shared a quick embrace. The way Scott moved his body was a little awkward, and it only made Mitch smile at the thought of it. Scott's wingspan was relevant to his height so he couldn't be bodily expressive without hitting a light fixture. The little things Mitch noticed just struck a chord in him...

"Wyatt... I'm going to do something." Mitch crouched down and picked the kitten up off the ground and cradled him close to his chest. Wyatt's purrs vibrated against Mitch's chest cavity gently. He grew restless and climbed up Mitch's white shirt and sat down on his shoulders. That was his usual perching spot when he wanted to feel powerful. "I'm going to go to RCA tomorrow. If he's there, which a little brain problem tells me he will be, I'll talk to him as friends, of course. I'm not talking relationships here... it's evident that I can't even have a relationship with him, nor should I with anybody for that matter. But there's something about him that makes me want to be gutsy... maybe meeting him all over again every single day won't be so bad."

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