They Never Would Be

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Mitch found himself getting extremely nervous, and for every reason appropriate. He seldom spent time with Kirstin alone, considering she was always at work or always with Scott. He only wondered what brought up a spontaneous lunch, or McAlisters in specific. It reminded him of one of his favorite dates with Scott, among the many other times.

Of course Mitch was free. He wasn't doing much, other than sitting down and just waiting for something to happen. It was a sad fact, but he hadn't closed in on the apartment in Nashville and, quite frankly, he didn't feel like things were done in Los Angeles. He figured that this talk with Kirstin would clear things up for him. And, it wasn't even just Scott that was keeping him tied to Los Angeles. He was struggling with leaving RCA. He hadn't exactly told Ben that he was speaking to another label. He didn't want to leave RCA. He wanted to stay and to continue making music. He wanted to stay and help Fia jump start her own music at RCA, too. He also considered helping out at Avi's A Capella Academy as extra money so he could get rid of his diner job.

But Nashville offered opportunity and, well, less heart ache. He could carry on with life and start fresh. He could meet new people. He'd already met Luke and knew he had a great mentor and friend in Nashville. Claudia was there, too... though she tended to get on his nerves. He figured that was because she was just excited that he was finally there, but he isn't really outgoing in the first place, and the entire week he was there she drove him up the wall. Luke was his safe haven.

Mitch walked into the restaurant and hopped up on one of the stools in the lobby while he waited for Kirstin. He spent some time staring at his nails, continually chipping away at the black that he had painted on merely three days ago. When he was nervous he'd pick at the polish, defeating the fact that he'd even painted them in the first place. It was better than picking at your cuticles, so that was the only good thing. Once he grew frustrated with the fact that he was still picking at his nails he opened his phone. 12:34. I wonder where that girl is? He opened up a text message and started typing for her, but his name being called out from behind him in a questioning manner pulled him away from his technology.

The voice was beautiful, like a light in the darkness, almost. "Mitch?" The brunette turned around in his chair, almost expecting to see his short blonde friend with some sort of voice mask.

It was him.

All Mitch could do was nod, answering the short question. He wasn't quite sure what to think, but just seeing the man of his dreams standing there in the flesh was enough to cause him to forget how to breathe. He grabbed onto the table gently as to not make a scene and he focused on his breathing. This was so unexpected.

Scott walked towards him and smiled, bashfully looking down at his feet once he made it within appropriate distance of the stranger. "Hi. I'm Scott. Kirstin said you'd be meeting me here?"

Suddenly Mitch was very confused. Was this some sort of intentional set-up on her behalf? Mitch sought out the appropriate wording to ask about what the situation was intended for, but Scott continued, clearing things up for him easily. "Wait. You're the guy from the hospital, aren't you? She didn't tell me that it was you!" The smile on the blonde's face grew larger, and the mental conversation in the brunette's head only grew more and more confused. What was going on? 

"Y-yeah! That's me." The gears began turning as Mitch stood up from the stool, awkwardly sticking out his hand and greeting the taller man as if he was meeting him for the first time. Had Kirstin set them up on a blind date? Did this mean that Scott had truly no clue who he was? "It's nice to meet you when you're not lying down in a hospital bed." He laughed nervously, accepting the situation for what it truly (according to Mitch) was.

"I know. It was really nice of you to come out there. You've got compassion for strangers... that's definitely something to admire." He motioned towards the counter and Mitch followed, swinging his bag onto his arm once again.

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