Lucky Guess?

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Mitch was always nervous when it came to meeting Scott again. He secretly doubted himself every time they had a new encounter. What if Scott didn't end up liking him in that manner? What if he wasn't attracted to him that day? Did attraction vary depending on the day? What if he thought his personality was a turn off? What if he decided to hate tattoos that day? There were many possibilities to having Scott fall for him every day, or not fall for him. Honestly, it scared him shitless. But there was always a way with them. It gave Mitch more of a reason to believe that they were meant to be. But, he wouldn't forget to admit that some days it was hard. Some days Mitch would wake up and wonder why, out of all of the people he could fall for, he had to fall for the one who could never remember him. It was a selfish thought, of course. But it was always there. That thought would be pushed away by the end of the day, but it was never a prominent one. He wouldn't walk around saying 'woe is me' and wonder why he had to fall for forgetful Scotty, because throughout the day he had plenty of chances to think. Falling for someone is a beautiful thing. He only wished he knew if it were the same for Scott from day to day.

Mitch decided to take the bus to RCA, having them drop him off a few blocks away so he could enjoy a nice breeze as he walked to the building. He finally made it to RCA after a nice fifteen minute stroll and decided to wait in the lobby for his tall blonde. He chatted with Fia for awhile, discussing how things were going with them. She said that she always saw progress, even though he never believed it. It was a hard thing to think about: Scott remembering him. It was like a myth, though it would be nice to know what it would be like for a day of him remembering.

The tall blonde walked through the doors, three Starbucks drinks in a small carrier, and instantly saw Mitch chatting away with Fia. Her eyes lit up as she saw him enter the building, causing Mitch to turn towards the door as whatever he was talking about gently trailed away.

He wanted to go up and kiss his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around him and telling him that he missed him. Alas, he had to put the situation into perspective. They were technically meeting for the first time, but in a different manner. It was essentially like a blind date of sorts. Mitch felt restricted. He had to suddenly pretend. He knew that Scott chose RCA because he worked there. Or did Mitch choose the location? He was suddenly really sweaty.

"Hi. You must be Scott?" Mitch cocked his head to the side. He wondered if he was being a little too obvious.

"I might be. How can I confirm this for you?" The blonde grinned and winked at Fia while he walked forward, setting the coffee carrier on the desk. The girl pretended to faint, dipping below the desk in a dramatic fashion.

"Umm. Sing a part of Chichester." He crossed his arms across the chest, wondering how much the blonde remembered.

And so Scott did as he was told. "Hari'u l'Adonai kol ha'arets." He sang the beginning of a section where the basses sang, and then the tenors came in. Mitch joined him and they ended up in a fit of laughter, Fia staring wildly at them, confused as all get out.

"What language are you speaking?" She asked whilst holding onto the desk like she was going to get blown away with confusion.

"It's Hebrew. We're singing Jesus songs." Scott laughed. He glanced at Fia and took a moment to process that he 'didn't know' that Mitch worked at RCA, too. "I see you met Mitch?" He pulled one of the drinks out of the carrier and set it down by her computer. She took it and blew him a red lipped kiss.

"I did. He's nice. Super funny, too. And cute. And--"

"Hi. Right here." Mitch smirked, putting his hand on his hips. "So, I brought something for you." Mitch reached into his bag and pulled out a torn and tattered piece of music with a white cover and red bold letters, Chichester Psalms. "I'm still shocked that I have this. I mean, what, from moving to Los Angeles and all."

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