Ridic. Ulous.

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Scott burst through the doors of RCA with a pep in his step, excited to accomplish something great today. He had a perfect morning at home. He woke up and, to Kirstin's surprise, decided to change his mind from the night before and to make her favorite breakfast: smiley pancakes. This always made her think of her childhood, so she couldn't help but giggle with excitement when she woke up. Scott also broke his routine and didn't run today. Not every day for the forgetful blonde was monotonous, and for that Kirstin was thankful. He could still have okay control over his life, despite the repetition.

"Good morning, Ia-Fay!" Scott smiled and practically skipped up to the desk. Fia wrinkled her nose.

"I've never heard that one before!" She genuinely hadn't. This was new. More proof that every day truly is different for Scott. "It sounds like you're saying "E F A." What could that even stand for?"

"Umm," Scott lay his hands on the desk and tapped gently. "Elephants Fake Attacks... no, that's stupid." Fia giggled as Scott wracked his brain, trying to find the perfect one. "Emergency! Fia Ass!"

"Oh, god!"

"No, no, no!" Scott fought back excessive laughter. "Extra-terrestrial fire arm!"

"Where did you get your hyper pills today?" Fia covered her mouth as she laughed, hiding her cherry red lips.

"Through smiley pancakes." Scott took a picture of the plate he made Kirstin, so he pulled his phone out and showed Fia, in which she giggled upon the sight.

"That's precious. You're such a good roommate. Now," Fia said, getting out of her chair and walking around the desk. She always made it a point to hug him every single day. She was extremely grateful that he survived the wreck, and was more grateful that she got to meet him beforehand. "Give me that signature Scotty smother."

"Gladly." Scott wrapped his giant wingspan around the small girl, picking her up gently and spinning her in place. She squealed with delight. A Scott hug could be an instant game changer on her bad days. "So, Fia. You have some explaining to do."

Fia stared at Scott in shock. Honestly, she was hoping he hadn't discovered something that might set off what she liked to call "Time Travel Mode." He was technically, mentally living in the past while everyone was in his future. She secretly liked to call Scott her Doctor and dubbed herself as his companion though time and space. "About what?"

"Come on! I saw on Facebook this morning that you apparently went to see Taylor Swift like, two days ago with Alex? Where was my invitation?" Scott playfully frowned, linking her arm with his while he walked her back to the lounge to grab a drink.

"Oh, god!" Fia practically jumped from excitement. While Scott lived in the past, the music still carried on. He typically listened to the same things and was still stuck in Facebook world while most everyone else had joined Twitter. Fortunately for him, he never paid attention to dates. If you asked him what day it was, he'd forget that it was mentally August 10th, 2010 for him. This made his situation loads easier. He also never felt the need to look at the date on his phone, which was a blessing in itself. But you can't stop pictures from posting, and Fia most definitely took tons of photos with her and her brother living it up at Taylor's concert. Scott sit and listened to her gush about how close to the stage she was to Taylor, and how she even threw her a guitar pick but missed, and laughed and threw her another one, making sure she got it that time. The concert was absolutely magical. She felt that she had a personal connection with Taylor, though she never spoke directly to her.

"That's fantastic, Fi. I'm so happy for y'all. Best big brother award goes to Allie." He smirked. "So, invite me next time, yeah?"

"In fact, the next time I invite you I'm going to surprise you the day of." She was not wrong. She most likely would need to do that. He'd have fun, if for only a day.

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