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I pulled my sweater over my four month pregnant stomach.

I groaned as it slid back up.

"Great." I mumbled .

My baby kicked in return . I smiled .

Most teenagers would have aborted their baby at this age .

Trust me I was going to but after a lot of talking with my counselor changed my mind .

The rape was scary and it was something I had to live with since I was six .

My dad was struggling with paying the rent and my mother refused to take up more shifts at the local hospital as a nurse .

I remember her say "Use that thing upstairs to get us money."

That's exactly what he did. My uncle , my father's brother , was the first . He raped me on my sixth birthday soon it turned to him renting me to his coworker's and most family member's.

I was scared to tell anyone.

He always threatened me with killing my mom and even though I knew she hated me .

I didn't want him hurting her.

My father and his coworker  were killed 4 months ago in an drunk car accident .

The same day I found out I was pregnant .

But not by my dad , by his coworker that was with him . He never used a condom when dad bought him over .

I told my mother but she didn't care She ignored me like I wasn't there .

She worked and drunk.

I huffed at everything that has happened to me the past years and I think hell.

But every time I feel my baby kick I get happy and realize I have to do this for her, she's counting on me .

I grabbed my bag and creeped down the stairs not to wake my past out mom up. I sighed with relief and walked to my car.

I've been working since I was 13. I saved a lot when I figured my parents were never gonna give me money for school and things like that. I drove to my school which was really only 3 blocks away . I got out of the car and saw my friend Dylan. He knew everything , I told him after my dad died.

He already had a clue something was wrong but he never asked questions or pushed me to talk about it . Which I was grateful.

"Wow my niece is getting huge ." I laughed as he touched my stomach.

"God child Dylan , she's my niece besides she likes me better than you."

I laughed as Amari walked up to us . She and Dylan dated but they acted more as best friends.

Amari knew because Dylan couldn't keep his mouth close.

I wasn't mad I just thought she'd think I was a whore. She didn't gratefully.  We walked to an empty picnic table . I waved at familiar faces and got some winks from the guys.

It was weird guys liking you when your pregnant. I was always liked at school , my grades were never a problem except in gym .  I hated getting sweaty . After talking to my counselor she said all I had to do was show and dress out to get credit .

" You don't have to worry this year coach Mac is gone . " Dylan stated holding Amari .

"Yea his old ass needed to be fired . Heard the new teacher is a total hottie ." Amari winked I rolled my eyes at her .

No teacher is a total hottie .

"Heard the same which is why I call dibs ." I smiled at the voice behind me . I nearly jumped in his arms . "Damn Payton don't break my back ." I smiled at Sage kissing his cheek .

Sage was gay and my best friend .He helped me through everything that happen . He had to go to New York for the summer to see his dad. "I missed you ." He giggled and I laughed.

  "Good to know were not shit ." I frowned at Dylan's playfully comment.

"I'm thankful someone told you ." Me and Amari laughed as Sage changed his voice .

Sage always made sure he acted extra gay in front of Dylan. They were like two brothers that hated each other.

"Back to Mr.Hottie ." Amari said putting her chin on her knuckles .

"Would you stop , He's a teacher." I explained to her.

I never understood the infatuation with the male race . I've never liked anyone . Sure I thought a few guys were attractive but I never liked anyone . I guess that was my dad's fault .

"So most of us are 18 so were legal." Amari stated. Dylan poked her side . "You do know I'm right here."

I laughed reviewing my schedule.

"Oh shut up Dylan you clearly aren't pleasing Amari if she needs an older man."

I was about to laugh at Sage's comment when I felt something rising up my throat. I ran to the closes bathroom I could find and let my breakfast come out of me.

I gripped the toilet and kept throwing up . I felt my hair being lifted off my neck . When I figured I was done . I flushed the toilet and turned to thank the girl behind me.

I came in contact with the handsome guy I've ever seen . Chiseled jaw , beautiful dark eyes and - "You okay ?"

The guy said interrupting my thoughts. His voice sent chills to my skin.

Wait .

"Why are you in the girls bathroom?" I asked curiously.

He let go of my waist that I hadn't realized he had a grip on .

He chuckled and grinned . "Sweetheart this is the men's bathroom . You must've ran in without looking at the signs."

I laughed at my stupidity .

"How many months are you ?" His eyes never left mine and I smiled .

"4." I simply answered.

"I'm Ashton ." He smiled showing his perfect teeth. "Only you will be calling me that."

I titled my head to the side looking at his amazing body .

"How come ?" I asked flushing the toilet.

The first bell rung. "You should get going." He said leaning against one of the stalls I walked out of the stall and to the sinks.

I washed my mouth and fixed myself in the mirror. "I actually don't , I get leeway since I'm pregnant and all. "

He walked over to me and picked up my bag off the floor .

Our fingers touched and a weird shock feeling made it's way up my arm .

Did he feel that too?

He grinned and backed up towards the door.

So he did.

"I should be getting back to my class , I'll see you later Payton."

He smiled .

I never see him before I walked out the bathroom towards English Lit.


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