Love Is So Blind

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I showered and pulled on Ashton's boxers and a bra. I decided to make dinner even though Ashton said don't wait up. I figured it'd be better than ordering pizza every night.

I had stopped by the grocery store on the way home. I bought steak and potatoes.

I was not a good cook so I went to search the internet to try and see how to make it.

"This doesn't seem to hard." I seasoned the steak and wrapped aluminum foil around the potatoes.  I put them in the oven and put the steak in the frying pan.

I heard the front door and walked out of the kitchen. Ashton ran into me. He grabbed my waist and kissed my lips with so much force.

That was out of no where. I wasn't complaining though.

I let myself fall into the kiss. It was soft but hungry at the same time. He stopped kissing me and just stared at me.

"So what was that for?" I asked walking towards the kitchen.

"Just because. Your cooking?" He seemed surprise.

"Of course I am. I figured you were getting sick of pizza." He wasn't really paying attention to me.

He seemed off like something was bothering him. "Are you okay?" He snapped out of it and looked at me.

"Ashton if you want to talk to me about anything you could talk to me." He got up and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you but it's nothing. Just tired." He pulled off his shirt and threw it on the floor.

He was sweaty. I didn't realized how toned he was.  "How about you go shower and I'll bring the food up when it's done."

He contemplated wether he should go or not. "Okay don't be to long." He grabbed his shirt and walked upstairs. Something was obviously bothering him. I wasn't going to push it until he got some rest.

I pulled the potatoes out of the oven and unwrapped the aluminum foil from them. I cut them open and added sour cream. I put the steak on the plate and grabbed sodas from the fridge. I tucked them under my arm and walked upstairs.

I sat them on the bed. Ashton was still in the shower. The water stopped. He came out with a towel.

"Smells good." He went into the closet and came out with boxers on.

"Taste it."

He cut a piece of steak. I watched him and he smiled kissing my forehead. "Good job babe." I smiled.

"The Internet paid off after all." We ate and watched re-runs of 'Friends'.

I moved the plates to the dresser when we were done.

It was ten p.m and I wanted to know what had been bothering.

Was that person still calling him?

"Ashton tell me about your family like your parents." He looked at me for what seemed like forever.

"There isn't much to tell. Why the sudden interest?" He moved his laptop to his night stand and gave me his full attention.

"I don't know. It's just you know so much about me and I barely know anything about you."

"What do you want too know?"

"Where are your parents?" He rubbed my stomach pulling me between his legs.

"They both are in Jersey." He answered simply. Kaylin started kicking. I could see the print on my stomach.

"Looks like someone's hyper." He poked her foot and she moved it somewhere else. "When's your next appointment?"

He was trying to change the subject. I didn't feel like trying to get him to talk so I went along with it.

"The day after your birthday. Amari wanted to have me a baby shower at her place." I explained while he kept poking Kaylin's foot.

"It should be fun. We-" I cut him off mid-sentence.

"It's only girls going besides Sage." He stopped playing with Kaylin and furrowed hie eyebrows together.

"I guess I'll have to give you my gift afterwards." I got on my knees to kiss his lips.

"After next week she could come at anytime. I'm nervous." I admitted looking down at my stomach. I just wanted everything to go smoothly.

"Everything will be fine. The doctor said she's healthy. I'm excited." He smiled wrapping his arm around my waist.

"It'll be harder when she gets here." I explained. He shrugged. "It'll be worth it."


Ashton fell asleep. His phone started ringing . I decided to answer it.


"Ashton, I'm sorry about what happened to our baby. I was wrong and I see that now. I got the job as your assistant so we could work on us. But baby you have to understand I was young and your mom is to blame. She's in jail and now we can be happy. We can make another baby. Forgive me?"

Who was this?

What did she mean our baby?

"Who the fuck is this?!" Ashton jumped up and took the phone from me.

He saw the number and hung up?

He really needed to explain now.

"Why is Ms.Hudges calling you? You had a baby with her? What is going on Ashton?"

He put his head in his hands. "She's an old girlfriend. She's crazy."

He was lying.

"Ashton she said you have a baby with here!" I yelled getting out of bed.

I walked into the closet and pulled on pants and a sweater. I pulled on shoes and grabbed my bag.

He ran after me down the stairs. He grabbed my arm. "Payton stop! I told you what it was." He was angry but I'm pretty sure I had more to angry about.

"You kept it to yourself. You didn't tell me anything. Is it true you have a baby with her?"

"Payton no."

I grabbed my keys and walked to my car.

"Where are you going!" I ignored him and started driving .

All I wanted was to be with him. He lied to me and kept secrets from me. How it seemed they didn't have the baby anymore.

Was he just using me for my daughter because he lost his.

I made an idiot out of myself.

My dad was right.

It never existed.

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