Nothing Like Home

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The plane landed and I grabbed my bags from baggage claim.

My dad was meeting me at the airport. I looked around to see if I could find him. I saw him with his old jeans and baseball cap.

I walked over to him and gave him an huge. "You've gotten so big Ashton." I smiled letting him go.

"You've gotten old." I joked noticing a few grey hairs in his beard.

"You get old in a city like this." I put my suite case in the back seat and got inside his car.

"Did you use any of the money me and Zack send you?" He still had on worn out jeans and his old baseball cap on.

"Of course I did." He said while driving. "You'll see when we get to the apartment. I use some of it on your mothers books."

Me and dad looked a lot alike we are closer then him and Zack. Even though my mom made it clear she didn't want us. Zack always drifted towards her.

"You've visited her lately?" He looked at me his green eyes happier then I've ever seen them.

"Every now and then. " I nodded.

He didn't know I was going to see her. I was going to tell him later on.

We stopped at the apartment. He didn't move from were we grew up . It still was the same hood before I left maybe a little worse.

I wasn't worried about my dad though. He had a known respect and everyone knew not to mess with my family.

We got out and walked upstairs. I walked in with my luggage. The same old sofa was there with the same juice stains. The same old rug and table. The only thing that was upgraded was the t.v.

I walked to me and Zacks old room. Our trophies were still there. I picked up my little league football trophy.

I remember telling my dad I hated football and I wanted to quite. He wouldn't let me. He said "I am not raising quitters." I became the best on the team and did it until the end of high school.

I put my bags down and walked into the kitchen. The scene flashed before my eyes. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Do you ever think it about?" I knew my dad was watching me so I asked.

"Everyday that I wake up." He admitted siting across from me at the polka-doted yellow table. "But I tend to find a way to be happy. I realized it wasn't the end of the world."

"There's not a day I don't think about my baby,dad." We never really talked about it but things needed to change.

"God has a plan for her. She's watching over you son. " I shook my head.

"I can't just forget about my child dad."

"I'm not saying forget son but don't stop living either. I thought after your moms sentence I was going to go into hiding but I found happiness in watching you boys grow. I found happiness in many things."

"I'm going to go see her dad." He's eyes snapped to me.

"Your mother?"


He seemed shock but I knew he was happy.

"You better get going before visiting hour closes." He handed me the keys and I walked to the car.

The prison wasn't far from our apartment.

I parked the car and signed in. I went through the metal detector. I sign in who I wanted to see and waited for her to come to the glass.

She looked surprised to see me. I felt the same way about her.

She picked up the phone and I mimicked.

"Hi mom."

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