Old Flames

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The drive back was hectic. Traffic was crazy an another thunderstorm came in. 

Everyone went home including Zack.

Hearing Zack trying to explain my past too Payton was aggravating. It's none of her business and she never asked.

Even if she did I wouldn't tell her, she has to much on her plate to try an have sympathy for me.

I sat at the coffee table looking over missing  work. Tomorrow Payton was going to school. Being a teacher is just like being a student, you miss so much work. I poured my coffee and sat back down.

I looked up towards the living room to see Payton wearing my sweater, sitting on the couch. It was my old college sweater.

Clearly to huge for her. It went past her knees and the sleeves flopped every time she moved.

"What are we eating." Her voiced snapped me out of my gaze too realization.

She stood in front of me. I couldn't help but to think about what happened in the hotel.

Well what could have happened.

Should've happened.

I really wanted it to happen.

"Ashton!" I quickly stood erasing the thoughts from my head.

I grabbed her waist and sat her on my lap. "You could order something. I won't be eating anytime soon, I have so much to grade."

"Yes sir." She hopped off my lap and grabbed the phone. I was expecting her to volunteer an help but I guess not.

"Here." She handed my vibrating phone in her hand.

I took it from her and she walked back to the living room. I slide the screen to accept the call.

"Hello?" The number was unknown.

"Hi, Ash."

I haven't heard her voice in years.

Two to be exact.

"Why are you calling me Hope?" We shouldn't have any ties to each other anymore.

After everything you would think she wouldn't even call.

"I want to see you. Maybe we could talk." She sounded weak and fragile. But I knew better.

She knew how to act too get her way.

I looked up to Payton pressing her stomach so Kaylin could move.

She stuck her tongue out at me when she saw me staring. She was so different from Hope. Smart, caring, beautiful.

"Baby." I clenched at the name.

"Don't !" I yelled. A little too loud.

Payton walked over with a confused expressed.

"Who's that?" I wasn't a liar.

"The bank. About taking out money to deposit else were." But I lied.

"Oh. Well the pizza is going to be here soon. I ordered you hot wings, just incase you changed your mind."

I took two 20 dollar bills for her to pay. She took the money and sat back on the couch.

"Who's that?" Her voice didn't have the same effect it use to.

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