After Everything

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"The course of true love never did run smooth."
-William Shakespeare

I got off the plane, grabbed my begs and hauled a cab.

I gave directions. He stopped at the store and I asked if he could wait on me.

"Excuses me." I bumped into people on the way in. I paid for everything I needed and gave him the address.

I changed into my dress shirt. Put the gift into the bag. My leg was shaking uncontrollably.

"It's a girl isn't it?" The cab driver looked at me from the review mirror.

"Yea. How did you know?"

"Been there done that." He started driving .

"How did it go?" I asked nervously.

"She's happy." I smiled. That was good. "With her husband and kids." The smile dropped from my face.

"Sometimes you let something good go and it takes years to find it again."

This wasn't really an encouraging conversation.

He stopped and I handed him the money.

"Go get 'er tiger." I smirked carrying my stuff out of his car. I placed my bags on the ground.

I took a deep breath and raised my hand to knock. The door opened. She just stared at me.

I became lost of words at the sight of her.

All her friends stood staring at us. The cab driver didn't even leave yet.



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