Pain Fades

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I rather be anywhere else then in school with Hope right now. I talked to my uncle about firing her but there's nothing he could do.

"Alright class today we are going to be play dodge ball. This side of the bleachers to the left. This side of the bleachers to the right." Payton stayed sitting she hasn't been feeling well since this morning. Hope knew I had a soft spot for Payton.

I guess she figured it was because she was pregnant and that's all she needed to know. She's been calling me repeatedly and texting. I didn't understand what she wanted. After graduation I was quitting. Being a teacher isn't something I wanted to do. I have a friend in the law firm who has a spot for me.

Enough money to take care of Payton and Kaylin. Also to be able to move my dad from Jersey.

I lined the balls in the middle and blew my whistle for them to began.

I walked up the bleachers to check on Payton. "Are you okay?" She nodded and leaned her back against the wall.

"I'm going to have too stay after school for a meeting. You think you could drive home?" We drove separate cars to school this morning.

"I'll be fine Ashton."


The bell ringed signaling the end of the day. I walked into the locker room where my office is to finish grading papers. Students that didn't participate wrote papers on sports or anything in physical relation.

That was majority of the girls here who wrote papers.

My phone screen lit up. 'Payton' appeared across the front. It was a message.

'I'm home.-)" I smiled down at my phone.

'I should be there in a few hours so don't wait up for dinner' I responded.

'Yes sir.' I put my phone down and went back to grading.

"Who's got you smiling like that? I would think its me." I looked up to Hope leaning on my door frame.

"This is the boys locker room Hope. You shouldn't in here." Of course she didn't care.

She walked in and sat on my desk. She grabbed my face in between her hands. "I missed you baby." I removed her hands from my face.

"The feeling isn't mutual." She grabbed my hand.

"You can't be mad at me forever Ash. I was only seventeen. Your mom pressured me into it." I snatched my hand away at the mention of my mother. The last thing she needed to do was to make me angry.

"Get out." But she didn't she grabbed my face in her hand.

"Ashton I wanted her as much as you did. We both were young and I couldn't handle it. You want me to tell you what happened?" I didn't answer . I already knew what happened.

"I went over to your house. Your mom said she knew someone who could make it easy and less painful. I agreed to go but she wanted to do it herself in the kitchen. I didn't want a damn child at seventeen."

I pushed her off my desk onto the floor. "You aborted my child Hope! You did it in my kitchen. I saw my dead baby on the floor Hope!"


I texted Hope for the tenth time tonight. She didn't need to be out at this time. Especially not in this part of Jersey.

"Ashton go to sleep. She's fine." Zack and I had just came back in from the window. We dealed during the night because it was the hours most fens came out. My mother wasn't working more like drinking her life away.

She always said what she could've been if she didn't have us around. How my dad stopped her from being successful. I didn't understand why my dad put up with her.

He told me he loved her and love made you do crazy things.

I never understood it.

Dad worked long hours. He was hard on us but he cared. He did everything to make sure my mother was happy.

He spent our light bill money on her a diamond ring and flowers she got upset because it wasn't big enough.

I got Zack into dealing with me. I always looked out for him. He was my younger brother and he looked up to me. I wasn't the best role model.

I lied, stole, fought, cheated. I had new girl with me every week. After Hope told me she was pregnant I stopped getting into so much trouble.

I took a drag of my cigarette sitting in the window seal.

"Jacky! What are you doing?!" I ran to the kitchen with Zack behind me.



I saw a knife covered in blood and an hanger. "I'm so happy this shit is out of me." Hope was smiling but she was in pain.

For a minute the whole world seemed to crash down in front of me.

Hope noticed me and tried to stand but fell.

"Ashton I-I." My mother spoke for her.

"You should be happy it's dead." I lunged towards her and I punched her in the face. One of the neighbors must have called the police from the noise.

They kicked down our door and my farther explained in tears what happened. They arrested Hope and my mother.

I picked up my baby in my hands. I felt my heart break at my lifeless child. The ambulance came taking my child away. My hands stained with its blood.

------Flashback over--------

We had an funeral and it seemed like I'd never be happy again but I meet Payton and everything changed.

My mother was in Jail for 45 years. The judge concluded that Hope was pressured and under the influence of crack.

They found it in her system and they only made her go to consoling for a few years. 

I was cold hearted and only looked out for my dad and Zack. I knew my dad was hurt but he never wanted us too see it. After that all I did was turn until someone heartless. I slept with girls and smoked. But some how I had the well power to finish school and get accepted to college.

Hope stood and grabbed my face smashing her lips to mine. I pushed her hard against the wall.

"Get the fuck out Hope." This time she left but I knew she'd try harder.

I grabbed my jacket and raced my car home.

I needed Payton right now.

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