Stranger Things

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"You know when the second baby comes-"

Ashton was clearly not thinking straight.

We were making homemade pizza. Kaylin was on top of the counter in her little chair.

"That's not happening anytime soon." I explained rocking Kaylin's chair back and forth.

"If you think so. Graduation is soon so well just have to see."

I rolled my eyes picking up my chubby baby. She was already so spoiled. My mom and Sage bought her so many toys today. Dan and Nacy came and they picked her up every time she made the slightest noise even Hope bought her a lot of dresses.

Ashton didn't make it any better. He wouldn't let her sleep in her crib which defeats the purpose of paying two-hundred dollars for it.

"Tell mommy, that you need a little brother."

"Tell daddy that he better birth him." She started smiling and kicking her legs.

"She's not smiling at you she's agreeing with me." He put the pizza in the oven and took Kaylin.

"I'm glad you feel that way. Change her diaper."

"We'll have this discussion afterwards." I shook my head no.

Did he think I was just going to pop out babies after graduation.

"Can you go change her, please?" He smiled at me walking upstairs.

I went over to my phone to see I had missed a call. They left a voicemail.

I pressed play and grabbed a bowl of cereal.

"Solve my riddle sweetheart." What the hell was this.

"I'm very close to you. So close you can see. If you open wide enough you'll possibly see me.I may not be as clear as you think but I'm smarter, certainly . You left me for a gym teacher that was quite odd to me . Can you see me? Just take a look around, maybe you'll see. Can you guess who I am if so come to me."

I dropped my bowl, shattering it. Running upstairs. "Ashton!" I ran into Kaylin's room and saw he wasn't there.

"Ashton!" I ran into our room to see him changing Kaylin. I ran into him. He grabbed my face. "What happened?" He whipped tears away from my cheeks.

"Payton what's wrong?"

I played him the voicemail.

"It's Trent."

I shook my head. We had just made up he wouldn't try and ruin it. 

"Who else could it be Payton? He knows me as your teacher. You said it yourself, he knew."

No it wasn't him. He wouldn't do that.

"I never confirmed or denied anything. He just has an thought. He doesn't know for sure."

Ashton wasn't buying it. "It's Trent,Payton." He stated pacing the room.

"What do we do?"

"Nothing. There's no proof of us being together. If it comes down to it. Your mothers word over Trents-"

I huffed picking up Kaylin."It is not Trent."

He rolled his eyes .

"Fine. Your moms word over who ever he is , which I'm pretty sure it's Trent, we are safe we just have to be careful."

I nodded it was true it's not like we've had sex.

"I could stay with my mom until after graduation."

He stopped pacing and stared at me.

"We've just got back to each other. I'm not letting you and Kaylin leave again."

I didn't know what to do.

"Let me handle it, okay?"



Who the hell else could it be.

Trent knew and he wanted Payton to himself.

I looked over to Kaylin and Payton asleep.

I turned off the tv to go to sleep when her phone lit up with a message. It was pictures of me kissing Payton dropping her off at Trents house.

Of us laying in the same bed. A video played of us in the storage closet.

The text read.

'Enough proof?'

I deleted the message before Payton could see.

I grabbed my phone and got out of the bed.

I walked into the hallway to not wake them up.

On the first ring I got an answer.

I looked at Payton and Kaylin sleeping from the hallway.

"I'm flying you guys out."

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