Slowly Kiss Me

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"Parker get your ass in here."

I Laughed at Parker when he entered the apartment with all the bags.

I got up to help him but Sage pushed me on the couch.

"No , Parkers got it ."

Parker and Sage have been dating for 3 years.

They started dating in our Sophomore year, we knew him cause most of the time he was the talk around school mostly because he was the only gay football player.

Sage being the outgoing person he is asked him if he was gay and since then they've been together.

"How's the university Parker ?" I asked as I got up and grabbed an apple from the counter.

He was putting the things we needed for pizza on the counter.

"It's good I just hate being away from" -

"Me I know ." Sage said cutting him off.

"I was gonna say home babe but you too."

Sage dramatically stomped to the living room.

Drama queen .

"Can you start ? I have to go talk to Sage."

I could hear the annoyance in his voice.I nodded . He walked into the living room were Sage was.

I started taking the dough out the pantry and rolled it out.

My mind wandered to my baby.

She was going to be beautiful and something I could call my own.

I smiled as I felt her move.

I got bored and walked into the the living room.

They weren't there.

I then cracked the door to their room and saw them making out on their bed .

I laughed silently to myself and closed the door.I really didn't wanna see what happened next.

I grabbed my bag and slipped out the front door .

I immediately hit a box.

The person grabbed my waist stopping me from falling.

I looked up at Ashton.

He smiled at me as I stood straight unwrapping his arm.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked as he picked up his box and nudged the door open.

"I just moved here.Why are you here?"

He walked into his apartment putting down the box.

"Sage lives across the hall."He nodded in understanding.

"Want to come in?"He asked.

I almost choke on my spit.

Was he crazy?

"I can't we could get in trouble."

He took my hand pulling me inside . "Yea like I'm scared."

He closed the door and I looked around his bachelor pad.

He had a pool table, leather couches, flat screen and posters of half naked women.

"Just because the principle is your uncle doesn't mean he can protect you from the cops."

He grinned walking over to me.His muscles were showing through his shirt.

"Stop staring ." His breath brushed against my lips and I know if I look up I'd be basically kissing him.

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