Realize Its Us

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"You look worse then when I last saw you."

Nothing about her has changed.

"How you doing?" Her hair was shorter. Her skin was pale and if looks could kill.

"I'm great. It's like a spa." She joked. "How do you think I am. That slut of yours gets to walk and I'm here for forty-five years."

I'm regretting coming here already.

"You knew the consequences that came with doing it."

"Your the reason I'm in here. Your the reason why our family is so fucked up. Do you know who I could've been without you." It wasn't a question more like a statement.

"You would've been the same women you are now-" She cut me off.

"Watch how you speak to me. I birthed you."

She was right.

"You did mom and I apologize. I forgive you for what you've done to me but I don't want anything to do with you. Maybe one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

She was lost for words.

"I love you mom." I put the phone down and started walking away.

She screamed my name through the glass but I didn't look back.

I've been to much of that lately. I got in the car and drove to an flower shop. I picked up lilies.

I drove to the grave site. It was down the street from my dad's apartment. I walked through the graveyard until I seen the smallest tombstone there.

Freshly placed flowers were on the grave. I'm sure my dad put them there. I brushed my finger tips against the inscription.

'Forever in our hearts. Daddy's Angel'

"I miss you. I think about you all the time." I laid the lilies down on the tombstone. "I love you more then you could ever imagine."

I bent down and placed my lips to the cold stone.

I felt an hand on my shoulder and whipped the tears from my cheeks.

I looked at my dad. I stood and we walked back towards the entrance.

"Dad I was thinking you could move back with me. I don't think you should be here with no one here to see after you."

He waved his hand no at me.

"Son Jersey is a rough place. I've been through hell and high water at this place but it's home. And nothing compares to home."

"Dad-" He cut me off.

"Plus I'm never lonely Ashton." He winked and I smiled.

"Zack told me about everything that's been happening." I look anywhere else except his eyes.

"Go after her, Son."

He didn't have to say much after that.

"Take me to the airport."

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