Friends? Friends

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"Shh it's okay." I was trying to make Kaylin's bottle. Ashton was sleep and I didn't want to wake him.

I put bottle between her lips and she became quite.

How did I get so lucky with her. She was perfect. I walked back upstairs with her snuggled into my arms.

Ashton was still sleeping. He was curled up in the fetus position. He was so adorable.

His eyes opened. He smiled at me sitting up. He took Kaylin from me. She was about to cry.

She stopped when he laid her over his shoulder burping her.

"How long have you been up?" He asked leaning against the headboard.

"Three hours. She woke up at four." He whipped her mouth with a towel and laid her down on her back in front of him.

"You should've woke me."

"I wanted you to sleep in since you'll be up with her all night tonight." He smirked playing with her fingers.

"I don't mind."

My phone started ringing. I grabbed my phone from the night stand.


"Hi. Payton could we talk?" I haven't talked to Trent since he kissed me.

"I don't know." Ashton was to busy making faces at Kaylin to hear me.

"Please. I promise I won't try anything."

I was trying to make peace with everything and everyone. Meeting him couldn't be so bad.

"Fine." I told him to meet me at the park at three.

"Who was that?" Maybe he was paying attention.

"Trent." I simply answered.

"We need to change your phone number."

I rolled my eyes laying on my stomach next to Kaylin.

"He wants to meet up."



He stared at me like I just asked the dumbest question in the world.

Okay maybe It was.

"It's just like how you had to forgive Hope." He didn't argue back with me after that.

"Fine. I'll drop you off and stay around just in case."

I laughed at his jealously. "You can't. Kaylin is a new born. She can't be in the outdoors for long."

"Fine but don't be gone long."

I got dressed to leave.

He picked Kaylin up and walked me to the door.

"I love you." I smiled at him and kissed his lips.

"I love you too." I replied.

I kissed Kaylin on the forehead and walked to my car.

Trent wasn't a bad person and he deserved for me to hear him out.


I stopped at the park. I saw Trent waiting for me by the swings.

I got out and walked over to him.

"Hey." He hugged me. I didn't hug back.

"I heard you had Kaylin." I nodded.

"I want a second chance at our friendship. Even if I can't be with you. I want to be able to have your company as a friend."

I smiled.

"Of course Trent."



Don't believe everything you hear Payton. Your heart is so big that it clouds your reality.

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