To Infinty With You

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"I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly and then all at once."
         -John Green


"Your so cute." I picked up Kaylin she was one now and starting to act like Ashton everyday.

Ashton walked in with Aiden.

Our son.

He was only three months.

My house filled with all my friends my mom and Jack.

They all sat in the living room watching the Super Bowl.

I was in school for medicine. Ashton was working at the hospital as an doctor. He passed on being a lawyer.

My mom was engaged to Jack and she seemed happier then I've ever seen her.

Nacy and Dan loved babysitting for us.

That summer me and Ashton got engaged. Victoria and Zack were expecting another baby. Dylan played professional football and Amari attended college.

And Sage well Sage was Sage and Parker loves it.

Surprisingly Trent and Hope got together.

Douches, Zack and Damage were always around getting Ashton in trouble.

Ashton's dad comes down all the time with his new girlfriend. We tried to get him to stay but he said he has happiness in Jersey.

I understood what he meant.

There was many bumps in the road for us. I had doubt about loving him or leaving.

Something always bought us back together. I smiled at them all yelling at each other.

I had a family.

Who ever would've thought I'd fall in love with my gym teacher.

"Babe come on your missing the game." Ashton smiled turning around.


Stranger things have happened and I'm happy where life took me.

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