Need Him Back

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"Mom you look great." She was dressed for her date with Jack tonight. We've all hung out together and he was such a sweet guy. He really likes my mom and I can tell she likes him too.

"Are you sure it's not to much,Payton." I shook my head no.

"More like too little." Sage chimed in."I'm pretty sure he'd like it that way."

My mom laughed at him. Pulling on her dress and rechecking her hair. I sat criss-crossed on her bed with Sage laying next to me.

I haven't heard from Ashton. I missed him. I can't help but thinking maybe it's better this way.

It didn't feel better.

The door bell rung and I raced downstairs to answer. I hugged Jack and he smiled at me. "How are you Payton?" He asked stepping inside.

"I'm great. Where are you taking her?" I jumped with excitement.

"A boat ride and dinner."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." I winked. He smirked.

"I plan on being on my best behavior."

My mom came downstairs. She looked amazing.

He went to meet her at the bottom of the stairs. "You are breathtaking Jane." My mom blushed taking his hand.

"So this is your man." Sage circled him. Looking him up and down. "I like. Approved."

"You two get going. Stay out as long as you want. Maybe make a kid or two."

"Payton!" My mother yelled.

"Have fun you two." I pushed them out the door. When they were going down the stairs I spotted Zack walking up.

They pulled away and I waved them goodbye.

"Hi, stranger." He said stepping inside.

"Hey wassup?" we sat in the living while Sage was finishing his homework in the dining room.

Well he was copying from me.

"Nothing much. Victoria wanted to know if she was invited to the baby shower tomorrow."

We had to push it back due to everything that was happening but we agreed on doing it tomorrow.

"Of course she is. I forgot to contact her." He looked around the place then back to me.

"Say what you need to say Zack."

He shrugged. "You and my brother haven't been around each other much."

"Yea. We just. I don't know. How is he?"

He leaned back onto the couch."He's okay. He's in Jersey handling some business. He told me and Victoria to check up on you."

I smiled. I'm pretty sure I wasn't suppose to know that.

"I miss him." I truthfully told him.

"If you guys are meant to be it'll happen Payton besides he misses you too."

I smiled hearing that.

I wonder what he was in Jersey for?

When he got back I was going to make this right.

I just hope it wasn't too late.

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