Catch Me

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I finally was able to understand the infatuation with the male race. The curve of their lips , the intensity in their eyes , everything was different when you had an deep desire of another's presence.

I laid my head on his chest and listened to his steady breathing .

I snuggled deeper into his warmth hearing his heart beat , nothing compared to it.

His arms wrapped lazily around my body.


I removed his arms and sat on my knees he was still sleeping and it was almost one . If we wanted to to get there before it was crowded we had to get up early .

"Ashton get up." He turned his back to me.

"We need to get ready , Sage them are probably already ready."I shook him but he didn't move.

I grabbed my pillow and placed it over his face . He quickly sat up . He glared at me and I smiled sweetly.

"We need to hurry up."

I got up and walked out the room towards the bathroom.

I opened the bathroom and saw Zack shaving his facial hair scattered in the sink .

"Gross . Get out." I crossed my arms over my chest .

"This is my brother's bathroom ." He continued to shave.

"What's going on?" Ashton stood behind me looking at Zack.

"I have to pee." I explained crossing my legs .

"Use the one in my room ." Ashton suggested.

I trudged down the hall and to the bathroom. I handled my business and got in the shower.

"I got you an bathing suit I don't how it'll fit but try it."

I grabbed the bathing suit from Ashton. It tighten around my stomach but it was fine.

I walked into the living room and found Amari and Dylan on the couch with Sage and Parker by the door.

"Took you long enough princess we have to get on the road." I rolled my eyes at Zacks comment and walked towards the car with Ashton.

He hand beach shorts and a t-shirt.

Why did he have to be my teacher?

I mean we aren't officially together. Are we?


Zack cut me off before I could finish.

"Sage and Parker in my car Amari and Dylan in Ashton's, come on people lets go."

I swear he was the most aggravating person I'll ever meet.

"Sleep good?" Amari asked. "Or Mr.Deniro had you up all night."

I glared at her from the rear view mirror.

Before  I could say anything Ashton spoke.

"We don't have that type of relationship Amari."

He shook his head smiling pulling onto the highway .

So there is a relationship?

Dylan yawned for the 20 time. We've been driving for only 45 minutes.

"Are we there yet? What the hell my grandmother drives faster than this."

Dylan wasn't the best when it came to being still. ADHD I believe he has.

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