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"I don't know idiot. Take her to the hospital would be the smartest idea." I yelled at Zack. 

Everyone was freaking out. Trying to calm down Payton.

"That would be impossible to do at this time." The taxi driver stated.

"And why is that?" I rolled my eyes grabbing my jacket.

"The thunder storm plus you ain't getting far in this traffic."

"Oh my ! Ashton!" I looked over at Payton. I propped her up against the couch.

"What are you doing?" Payton's mother asked kneeling beside her.

"Do you have Melissa's number?" She nodded pulling out the phone.

"Ain't you suppose to breathing out and in or something." Victoria pushed Zack out the way and helped instruct Payton.

My palms were sweating. Kaylin was finally going to be here.

The phone rung for the third time.

"Please pick up. Please pick up."

"Hello?" Great.

"Hey Melissa. Payton's in labor I don't know what to. I'm freaking out." I admitted pacing the room. I looked at Payton to see she was still in pain.

"Okay, calm down. If you freak out its just going to make it worst." I stopped pacing and tried to calm myself.

"Okay I'm calm. Tell me what to do."

"Check to see how many centimeters dilated she is."

She had to be kidding me.

"No, I'm not looking down there."

"Do you want Kaylin to be okay or not. Go look got damn it." I took a deep breath and lifted up Payton's dress.

"This isn't the time for head!" Sage yelled.

"Ashton what the hell are you doing?" Payton asked.

Her hair was stuck to her face. Beads of sweat was falling from her skin.

"I'm doing what Melissa tells me too." I pulled off her underwear. She was diffidently dilated.

I took an estimation about six.

"I would say about six." I explained.

"Look I'm on my way. If I don't get there in time your going to have to deliver this baby Ashton."

I started to freak out even more. I wasn't qualified for this type of stuff.

"Ashton hurry the hell up and do what she says!" Payton yelled.

"Amari go sterilize some scissors and bring gloves. Sage bring me a nose cleaner. Cab guy-"

"Harley." I rolled my eyes. My concern wasn't with his name at the moment.

"Harley grab me clean towels. Payton's mom can you grab pillows, Hope stay watch for Melissa and Zack." I looked up to see he was gagging.

"Just go watch Rain."

"The best idea I heard all day."

I grabbed the towel and started whipping Payton's face. Victoria was helping calm her down.

"Okay I got everything now what?" I could hear Melissa's car start.

"Check her dilation again."

I was going to throw up. The birth process was not a beautiful one.

It was much larger now.

"I can see her head."

Payton screamed louder. I started to freak out again.

"Ashton I'm almost there. I texted some co-workers there on the way. You have to deliver Kaylin."

I shook my head no even though she couldn't see me.

"I can't."

"You don't have much of a choice dear. Tell her to push but not fast. Give breaks but make sure for not to long it could make the baby go back in."

What the hell. Okay Ashton you can do this.

Everyone sat around Payton. The pillows were behind her back.

I pulled on the gloves and laid a towel down on the carpet.

"Okay on three push." I looked up at her and she nodded.

"Okay one,two push." I looked see the head had moved out an inch.

"Good. Make her do it again." Melissa coached.

I really wish she would hurry up.

"Again. One, two, push." She pushed harder this time. Her head was out.

She was beautiful.

"Okay babe make this a big one. One, two, push."

Kaylin' s cries broke through the room.

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