A Kid At Heart

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I woke up  feeling light headed . I looked around the room and saw Ashton sitting on the couch across the room watching me.

I was in my underwear and a plaid over sized shirt .

"Good morning." I mumbled .

His eyes watched every move I made.

"It's only nine p.m" I looked out the window and saw it was still dark .

I put my arms around my body . "How you feeling ?"

His face looked worried . He stood up and sat next to me . He pressed his hand on my cheek and I leaned into his warmth .

He looked down at me and stroked my cheek . I felt safe with him . I leaned towards his lips but he stopped me .

"After everything that happened today , that type of contact is the last thing you need ."

He spook soft not breaking eye contact. I ignored him and leaned forward but he stopped me.

"Kiss me ."I really just needed him. I leaned forward and this time he didn't stop me. His arms wrapped around my waist as his warm lips consumed mine.

"I thought I called dibs ." Ashton pulled away and I whined.

"Sage get out." I said annoyed.

Ashton smiled at me and got up.

"Me and Zack are going to go get you something to eat." I whimpered at his loss of contact." I'm not hungry." I tried to convince him but my stomach growled.

"Kaylin is."

He pecked my lips and walked out . Amari and Sage both entered the room with wide smile's.

"Tell us everything from the first day to the minute to the hour and give lots of detail with sex ."

I laughed at Amari . "We never had sex and theirs really nothing to tell Ashton is an amazing friend ." I said smiling to myself .

"I don't kiss my friends like that ." Sage said grinning .

Amari jumped up with excitement. "You kissed him ! You kissed Mr.Deniro!"

She had a huge smile on her face and I knew i'd have to explain.

I started with the first day in the bathroom to him taking me to my appointment.

Then to Kaylin kicking and stopped when Ashton touched her.

Amari was whipping fake tears from his eyes which caused me to roll mine . I told them about sleeping over and how he said he cared about us and him protecting me from my uncle and mom.

"Aww you deserve someone like him."I smiled at Sage and nodded. I really did.

"Were back ."

My smile widen at his voice. I put on his boxers and buttoned up his T-shirt.

I walked into the living room with Ashton putting the Chinese food down on the table.

"I wanted pizza." Dylan grabbed his food from the bag .

"Not everyone wants to eat Pizza everyday Payton."

Dylan said stuffing his face .

"Mr.Deniro - "

"Ashton outside of school."

He said cutting Dylan off.

"Well Ashton suggested Chinese anyway."

They all grabbed their plate and sat in the living room .

I picked up my phone and dialed Pizza Hut .

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