Worth Wild

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"You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible."
"Why would you do this to her!" Dylan yelled.

Ashton informed me about everything he knew. I know why he kept if from me. I would freak out.

I had no ties to Dean. Why would he do this.

"I love you Payton. I just wanted you to understand that." He broke into tears.
" I was never going to hurt you. I promise. I wanted you since first year but you never noticed me. I just want you too love me."

Trent scoffed. "Me and you both buddy." Ashton glared at him.

"Let him go Dylan."  Dylan looked at  Ashton for confirmation. He then let him go.

I kissed his cheek. Being mean won't help anything. I mean if he really wanted to get Ashton arrested he would've had to do it before my graduation.

Ashton didn't stop me he just stared holding a sleeping Kaylin.

"Dean I'm not the girl for you. I did not even know how you felt. " He stood and I followed him to the door.

I gave him a hug.

He took his phone from his pocket and slammed it to the ground.

"I'm sorry Payton."

"It's okay Dean."


"Kaylin's asleep in her crib." Ashton walked in and climbed into bed.

"Finally." I turned to face him. I rubbed my fingers against his cheek.

"What?" He smiled.

"Who would've thought."

He grabbed my waist. "We still have a long way to go Payton."

"I love you."

"Of course you do." I laughed hitting him with a pillow.  "Back to our previous conversation about my son."

I smiled climbing on top of him. "I might actually take you up on that."

He grabbed my waist pulling me down on the mattress. 

"You get what you asked for."

Our lips moved in sync to each other's it was hungry and needing. He gripped my butt with his free hand.

I bite his lip and he groaned. My sweater was pulled from over my head faster then I had put it on.

He kissed down from my lips slowly to my jaw to the middle of my chest stopping at my underwear.

"Try not to wake Kaylin."  He smirked.

I clenched my legs together. He quickly pulled them apart. He pulled my legs on to his shoulders and kissed around my hips. I pulled at his hair trying to make him go lower.

I felt him smile into my upper thigh. His lips pressed against my wet core.

"Fuck Ashton."

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