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We had been at the hospital for hours. No one wanted to leave. They checked Kaylin and she healthy.

Everything was okay. Nothing could go wrong at point. Kaylin was sleep in Payton's arm. They looked like twins.

The same brown hair and eyes.

"Her and Rain are going to raise hell." Zack joked picking up Rain to see Kaylin.

Melissa came in with her birth certificate,

I watched Payton sign the name.

'Kaylin Deniro'

I smiled. "Are you sure?" I asked. I didn't want her thinking she had too.


"Okay Kaylin let's just get your footprints." Melissa took Kaylin's foot out of the blanket and pressed in ink.

Kaylin started crying being awoken from her sleep. She pressed her feet and hands into the paper. 

"You can leave whenever you feel ready too. Congratulations. And good job to you. Have you ever thought of a career in the medical field?"

Was not going to happen.

"That was a one time thing Melissa." She laughed exiting the room.

"Are you up for the drive back home?" She looked at her mom who was playing with Kaylin's hands.

"Well you be okay by yourself?" Her mom waved her off.

"I won't be alone Payton. Besides go enjoy motherhood."

"Okay let's go."


Payton sat in the backseat with Kaylin. Good thing Victoria bought a car seat.

We packed all the gifts into the trunk.

I looked through the rear view mirror to see Payton smiling at her.

I pulled up to the house the same time. Dan and Nacy were about to leave they got out the car when they saw us.

I grabbed the car seat from the back seat. "Let me see her." They both walked over to see her.

"She looks so much like you Payton." Dan smiled.

I looked over at Payton to see she was leaning against the car. She was probably exhausted.

"You should get them both inside."Dan added. I waved goodbye to them and helped Payton inside.

I helped her upstairs to our room. "I need to shower." I took Kaylin out of her car seat and laid her down on her back. I ran the water for  Payton. I sat her at the edge of the tub and helped her get undressed.

"She's finally here." She stated smiling at me. I looked at Payton's body. She had an amazing shape.

I placed her into the tub and left to go to Kaylin's room to get her something to wear besides a blanket.

I grabbed a pink onesie from her closet. She was waking up and started crying when she realized no one was around I picked her up and she immediately stopped.

This wasn't going to be as hard as people said it was.

I changed her diaper and put the onesie on her.

Payton came out the bathroom with my sweater on. She crawled on the bed and laid on my chest.

I turned on the tv. Some lame lifetime movie was playing that neither of us really paid attention too.

I laid Kaylin on my chest next too Payton's head.

"She's so pretty." I looked down at her. She was just staring at Payton. Like she was the most interesting thing in the world.

Leaving her would have been the worst mistake of my life.



If only you understood. I'm incapable of leaving you alone Payton.

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