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I shifted my feet on my moms lap.

"What about a water birth. Your grandmother had that with me." I shivered.

I would be sitting in my own blood. "I'll pass. I might just do a natural birth."

My appointment was today and after this week was over she would be okay to come out anytime.

We got up to put on our shoes. "You say that now until you get contractions." She was insisting I needed drugs.

We'd just have to see.

I got in the car and started driving. I looked over at her to see her smiling on her phone.

Jack and her exchanged numbers before we left dinner.

"Tell step-dad I said hi." I teased. She waved me off and continued texting.

We pulled into the Clinic and Melissa was waiting for us.

"You've gotten huge." She did all the regular things she usually does. She informed me that if I felt in lower pain that I shouldn't come to the hospital unless very severe.

I nodded in understanding.

My mom drove on our way back. "Your going to have to go to school tomorrow Payton."

I knew eventually she'd make me go.



My mom dropped me off at school on her way to her new job. She was working at a car dealership rather than the bar.

I was proud of her she was changing her life for the better.

I walked into school and the first person I saw was Sage.

"I could kill you. I was so worried. Mr.Deniro has been every where. He doesn't even look the same anymore."

Sage was exaggerating.

"I'm okay. I'm living with my mom for now." He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Your happy about that?" I smiled walking into school.

"She's getting better."'

Amari joined us for lunch. I explained to her what happened with my mom and she was happy for me.

"Who what of thought." Amari laughed.

We walked to gym. I sat down and listened to Amari's nagging about the first years being sluts.

"Okay class. Do what you want."

Sage wasn't exaggerating.

Ashton's hair was everywhere. He had a beard growing and his clothes were sloppy.

His eyes meet mine. He was surprised to see. They lost the sparkle they use to have. They were more dull.

He's attention was turned away from me when. Hope tried to flirt with him. He just walked away into his office.

I had too many things to worry about.


I missed her.

Payton was the only thing crossing my mind for the past month. I should've just told her. Then none of this would be happening. She wouldn't have ran away to that jerk.

I heard what he did to her and Dylan handled it for me.

"Wassup brother."  I looked up at Zack then looked back down.

"Man just go talk to her." Zack and Victoria have been coming by to check on me since Payton left.

"She hates me. Hope has officially ruined my life."

"Maybe she didn't ruin it. Maybe you did." I looked up at him in shock.

"I mean Ashton. You want to be with Payton but you keep letting Hope get in the way. You haven't forgave her or mom. They both are holding you back Ash."

I shook my head.

"Zack you don't understand."

He slammed his hand on my desk.

"Don't forget I was there in that house to. I watched dad crumble with you. Your still that lost eighteen year old. Your still an heartless idiot who doesn't know how to run after something that he is never going to be able to replace."

I ran my finger through my hair.

"You don't even like her."

He shook his head. "I treated her like a little sister. I saw how much she meant to you. I seen you break girls and leave them in there own misery but you didn't do that to her. She's an amazing girl but your just like mom, you can't see when you having something good."

I stood getting in his face but he didn't back down.

"Don't ever compare me to mom."

"You really are your mothers child, Ashton. " I curled my fist into balls.

"Shut up Zack. I am nothing like her."

"Then why are you acting like it. This is your problem that your avoiding fixing because you messed up. Me and Victoria fight all the time but I'll do anything to keep her from walking out that door."

I sat back down and held my head in my hands.

"You have to get closure, Ashton. Like I did. Listen to what they both have to say and maybe you'll realize what you have when you get back." He left slamming my door.

I couldn't go back.

No matter how bad I didn't want to admit it but Zack was right.

It was probably to late for me and Payton but I had to make this right for myself.

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