Keep It Close

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I woke up early because I knew it'd be a long walk for me. I decided to eat before I left. I walked downstairs and saw my mother looking at a picture of my father .

"It's your fault . You couldn't keep your legs close for two seconds ." She wasn't staring at me but I knew her words were directed towards me.

I gave up on trying to explain to her what happened.

Even when I did it'd end with a slap to the face or her throwing things at me.

"I know ." I whisper grabbing just an apple . I just wanted to get away from her .

After my apple . I took a short shower and changed into my black, collard dress, some high knee socks and my black vans .

I curled my brown hair and rubbed lotion over my brown skin.

My job was at a beach not to fa from my house . I seemed to get tanner every summer . 

I didn't bother on putting makeup on or using the front door.

I grabbed my bag and cellphone.

I checked to see that I had my gym clothes and opened my window.

I have stairs going down my window which I was thankful for. I didn't have to use them a lot since my dad was gone.

Only when I didn't want to see my mom.

I started down the road to the school and quickly regretted not getting my car last night.

I decided I'd just wait for the bus.

It ran every 30 to 35 minutes and school didn't start for another 2 hours.

I sat down rubbing my stomach and poking everywhere she moved . I laughed when she kicked me.

"That's not nice ." I smiled .

"No but that is weird. "

Why was he here ? I rolled my eyes at him and continued to rub my stomach.

"What do you want ?." I know my voice sounded cold but I had to be . "I fixed your car earlier and decided to come get you ."

Did he not understand the word teacher , student or JAIL!

" I'm fine the bus should be here in a little while , plus your my gym teacher Mr.Deniro."  He sat next to me , rather close , I might add .

"I'm pretty sure we've broken most of the rules sweetheart."

I shook my head .

He's broken most of the rules , I'm innocent .

But you liked it .

I got annoyed with conscious and folded my arms.

"Sir I don't want a ride ." I stated rudely.

He shrugged standing up to go to his car.

"Suit yourself."He said walking back to his car.

I chewed my bottom lip watching his abs pressing against his shirt.

"Wait ." He stopped his smirk present on his face.

"I left her pictures in your car yesterday can you give them to me ?"

His smirk quickly disappeared as he reached in his glove department .

He handed to me and I counted three. Where was the fourth ?

Before I could ask his car was already down the road .

I waited another ten minutes for the bus to come .

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