For My Future; Im Sorry

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I knocked on the door for the third time.

The sign was turned to close. The door opened at the sight of me.

"Oh sweetie what are you doing in this rain." Nacy  grabbed me a towel and I sat on the stool.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night." She asked pouring a cup of coffee in a mug. She handed it to me and I gratefully took it.

"I didn't know where else to go. I'm sorry."

"What happened sweetie?"

I explained everything.

"Now I just feel like he's using me for my daughter."

"Oh sweetie. Do you love him?" I nodded my head.

"Then you need to go back to him and make this work. You think running away is going to fix anything. Me and Dan have had many problems but we had to work together to fix it. Now go home Payton and talk to him."

I shook my head. I needed time for myself.

I thanked her and walked back to me car. I grabbed my bag and saw the white paper at the bottom of my bag.

I waited for him to answer.

"Hey Trent."


"Wake up Payton we gotta go to school." I looked at an fully dressed Trent.

He let me stay over. He slept on the couch and I slept in his bed. He didn't question me about why I came. Which I was thankful for.

He handed me sweatpants. I pulled them on and wore the same sweater from last night.

We drove to school in his car. We talked about graduation and college. He was debating if he wanted to go to Ucla or LSU.

He joked about missing high school. He was very funny and easy to have an conversation with.

We pulled up to the school and like every time he comes to school people surround his car.  He got out and walked to my side to help me out. People stared and some guy was trying to give him a high five.

I rolled my eyes and we walked to my locker. "Are you sure your parents are okay with me staying?" He leaned against a locker watching pull out my books.

"They don't care Payton."

Amari and Sage ran over too me.

"Where have you been?" Her mouth nearly dropped to the ground when she saw Trent.

"Oh I see now." She wiggled her eyebrows and they walked away.


I debated if I should skip gym or not but Trent was there so It wouldn't be so bad.

"Have you heard?" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked to gym.

"Heard what?"

"We are supposedly the newest couple in school. "

We both laughed and sat down at the bleachers. "We would be hot together I joked."

"Alright class today is a free day." He stared at me and Trent.

"Could I speak to you Payton?" I looked at Ms.Hudges who was just walking in.

"No thanks sir."

Trent wrapped his arm around my waist and I didn't stop him. I hand no feelings for him and I don't think I ever would.

Ashton walked away clearly angry but I didn't care.

"He's so weird. Everyone see's how he stares at you. Like he wants you or something." He looked at Ashton in disgust.

"He just does that because I'm pregnant. I get use to it."

The bell rung and we walked outside to the parking lot. We were going to the movies tonight with Dylan and Amari.

They followed behind us. We were going to watch. 'Me before you.' It was Amari's choice.

We paid and got popcorn and soda.

We sat in the back. Trent wrapped his arm around me. I didn't feel comfortable but I let him leave it there.

The movies was over and it was time to go home. "Tonight was fun." He stated smiling at me I nodded in agreement.

My phone started to vibrate. It was Ashton. He's been calling and texting me since I left.

Eventually I wanted him to explain why he lied but I couldn't face him right now.

Probably never.

I didn't think he'd hurt me but I was wrong.

"So what happened with that guy?" I didn't really want to talk about it but ignoring it wasn't going to help either.

"We just aren't on the same page right now."

He shrugged and stopped the car in front of his house. We got out and went up to his room.

I sat on his bed and he sat next to me. "I'm glad you came here, Payton." He grabbed my face close to his and I playfully pushed him away.

He grabbed my chin and smashed his lips to mine. I pushed him off and stoop up.

"What the hell Trent." He grinned moving closer to me.

"It's no secret that I want you Payton." He grabbed my hand and I snatched it away.

"I thought you understood that I was with someone, Trent." I moved away from him hitting a wall.

"How long do you think you and Mr.Deniro could keep this secret Payton? You need someone your age, someone like me."

He pinned my hands over my head. I tried to get out of his grip but he was to strong.

"Please stop, Trent!" He smashed his lips onto mine. He started kissing my neck.

Tears sprung from my eyes. I kneed him in the crotch. He fell to the ground. I grabbed my bag and car keys and ran down stairs.

Trent ran out the door after me and I started my car, driving away.

I thought things were going to be better. I went to the only place I never thought I'd go back too.

I climbed in through my window. I looked out my door to see my mother wasn't home.

I curled my knees to my chin and cried. That's all I could do.

All I had was Kaylin. But I couldn't give her a good life.

No matter how hard I try.

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