Ripped Sweater

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I picked up Kaylin out of car seat and walked to our seat. Today was Payton's graduation.

I was proud of her. She deserved this. Today was also the day we catch Payton's uncle in the act.

Zack had to miss the graduation in order to do the plan.



I walked into the crappy bar. There was barely people inside. A few drunk men and prostitutes.

I spotted her uncle cleaning out glasses.

"Here goes nothing."

I walked over and sat at the bar. "What can I get you, man?"

"A whiskey." This place reminded me of an club in Jersey except people actually came.

"That'll be five." I pulled out my wallet making sure to show Payton's picture.

"Here you go sir."

"How do you know that girl?"

I mentally patted myself on the back.

"She's my girl. Pretty huh? She don't give out much." I shrugged turning my back towards him drinking my straight whiskey.

It wasn't bad.

"I've seen her around a few times." He admitted.

Of course you did.

"I was actually looking for another guy.

I read his name tag."But I'm not sure you'd be into what I'm dealing with Tod."

I put the bait out there.

"Nah man. What is it?"

And he caught it.

"Come with me to her house."

"I'm taking the night shift off Bill."


Payton's mom had to work late night which actually helped our plan. I told Payton id be over with Kaylin that I was going to get pizza.

She was too tired to argue.

I dropped Kaylin off with with Ziker.

Zack texted me that they were here.

Me and Douchess hid in her moms room.

Damage had to race here before us to hid in Payton's closet.

"Be quite." I instructed Dochess as I heard the door open.

"She's just upstairs." I heard Zack say. He went upstairs and Zack signaled it was okay to follow.

We followed up the stairs and cracked the door.

"What are you doing here ?" She moved up against the head board.

I wasn't going to let him touch her.

"Your boyfriend told me you were here." He gabbed her chin roughly. I was about to walk in but Duchess grabbed my arm.

"I came here to apologize. I don't care about you but I heard your mother was changing her ways. I love your mother."

This was harder then I thought.

He continued speaking. "Your dad stole he away from me. You are the last of my concerns but if your mom can forgive you then so can I." He got up to leave and we walked into the bathroom still peaking out.

"Oh and I suggest you get rid of that boyfriend of yours."

Payton just nodded.

Then he left.



Ashton explained that he saw him coming to see me and wanted to catch him to call the police.

I could tell there was more to it then that.

Ashton's new friends creeped me out. They followed me everywhere.

Today was Dylan's birthday. Kaylin was able to come because it wasn't a big one. I held her on my hip.

She was playing with my hair.

Everyone was playing charades. And Kaylin was starting to get whiny.

I walked into the kitchen to fix her a bottle.

"Hey Payton." I turned to Dean.

"Oh hi." One of Ashton's friends walked in to grab a soda I think his name was Duchess

I looked twice at Dean.

"What happened to your sweater?"

Before I could register my thoughts Duchess launched onto him.

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