Its Been Awhile

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I still haven't talked to Ashton about 'Hope'. It had to be more to it then what he was telling. I shouldn't really care but it's just curiosity.


I shook the thought from my head and waited for the bus after school.

Sage was suppose to take me too my appointment but Parker needed the car to see his grandmother.

I didn't mind taking the bus. I needed a little alone time.

The bus came. I slid in my two dollars and walked to a seat in the back. I felt someone staring but I didn't look up.

"Payton?" I looked up too see a blonde haired guy. I knew we went too the same school. I think he was one of Dylan's football friends.

I smiled at him. "Hi um-. He cut me off to tell me his name.

"Trent. Where you on your way to?" He moved closer to me and I moved away.

"Doctors appointment." He smiled at me. I've noticed him around school a lot. Many girls wanted him but he always took an interest in me. I thought that I might have given him a chance but after the information about my dad got out, I haven't really seen him around.

"You look good. You know to be pregnant."  I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I'm not sure if I should take that as an compliment." By his facial expression I could tell he thought I was really offended. I pushed his shoulder laughing.

"I'm just kidding. Thank you." He pulled out a notebook and wrote a number down. He ripped off the paper and handed it to me.

I put the paper in my pants pocket.

"This is my stop. Call me for anything." I stood to hug him. It felt nice. He was really sweet. He walked off the bus and I sat back down.

He was really different from most football players at school. I mean before Dylan meet Amari he was with a new girl every week but not Trent.

He never partied or payed attention to anyone, female,except me. Maybe if I didn't have so much to worry about I would've gave him a chance or if it wasn't for Ashton.

Ashton isn't yours. I had to remind myself constantly.

I got off the bus and walked towards the clinic.

I walked inside to sign in. The excitement of Kaylin being born in three more months made me happy. I always wanted to be a mother.

A better mother than I have.

"Payton. She'll see you now." I smiled at the receptionist and walked to Melissa's office.

"You missed your six month appointment. Is everything okay?" I nodded my head at her as she took my blood pressure.

"Everything is fine. I've just been so busy lately." She smiled at me and asked me to lay down.

She put the jelly-like substance on my stomach and started to move the device around.

"She's sleep." Melissa stated taking the pictures. "She seems perfectly fine." I smiled whooping the stuff off of my stomach.

She handed me the photos she took. " Make sure to be back for your seven month appointment."

I waved goodbye to her and walked outside the clinic. It was storming really bad. I decided to call Sage but he was stuck in traffic coming from work.

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