Shh, Its Only Us

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"Could you open the door?" Ashton pleaded. He slept on the couch last night for being dumb.

I wasn't going to open the door. Kaylin's crib and other things I ordered are suppose to be shipping in today. I was excited to see them.

"If you open the door. I'll have an surprise for you." I looked towards the door.

What surprise?

I got up and cracked the door a little. "What would this surprise be sir?"

"Stop calling me that." I was about to close the door."Look I'm sorry the surprise is you come with me to see the house."

"We could get caught." I stated still looking at him through the crack.

"It's kinda far. We won't get caught. You should let me in so I could get dressed?"

I suppose I could. I opened up the door and regretted it immediately. Ashton pulled me over his shoulder.

"Do you know how hard that couch is Payton." I kept hitting his back so he could put me down.

"I.Don't.Care. Now put me down." He smacked my butt hard. I tried kicking but that didn't help. He laid me down on the bed and climbed on top of me.

"Your so childish." He grinned playing with my hair.

"I'm eighteen." I stated proudly.

"And I'm twenty-three. Twenty four next week." He said getting off of me.

I never even asked him his birthday.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked watching him get dressed.

"It never came up."

"How long is this drive." We needed to obviously play 21 questions.

"About three hours, why?"

Perfect time.


"You like the color green? What girl likes green. That's a shit color."

We've been playing twenty-one questions for two hours and with every answer I had he had something negative to say.

"It is not. Your favorite color is pink you hypocrite." I figured out his birthday is February 15th .His favorite month is October and he was raised in Jersey. He wants seven kids and loves the color pink.

Guess why?

"It reminds me of  the pink 'Care Bear'." He mumbled.

I exploded with laughter. "There's a pink 'Care Bear'?

He looked at me like I was dumb. "Have you never watched the show? The pink one is the star."

Ashton was a total chick.

"What's your favorite movie?" I asked eating chips.

" 'Get Rich Or Die Tryin'."

You've got to be kidding me.

"You favorite color is pink, you like the pink bear but your favorite movie is a gangster movie." I laughed even harder. He didn't seem to think it was funny.

"I'm done with this game. We're here."

I looked outside the window. I've never seen houses so big and nice. It was a gated community. Kids were playing outside and one family was having a cookout it. It looked like a very nice place.

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