All That You Are

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I climbed through my window into my room. It was 4 a clock in the morning and I was just leaving Ashton's house.

I decided I would stay home today.I walked down stairs and found no sign of my mom.

More then likely she was at the club with her friends.

I hated when she went out she wouldn't come home for days. I know I should hate her but I couldn't find the will to.

Somehow I ended up blaming myself for always bothering him when he was working or bothering him about a toy I knew we didn't have the money for.

I looked in the fridge and grabbed my cold cut sandwiches I make for my mom when she goes to work.

I grab a water and walked back upstairs. 

I watch an 'Law and Order' marathon.

I watched the whole marathon till 7:30. My phone buzzed next to me.

Sage had texted me .

"Sorry about yesterday doll." I laughed to myself.

"It's fine I'm not a cock block."

I threw my sandwich wrap in the trash and finished watching t.v.

.My phone ringed next to me and I groaned.

Why can't I watch t.v in peace?

It was an unknown number but I answered anyway .

"Hello ?" The voice on the other end sighed with relief.

"I was worried about . You weren't their when I woke up and your not in school." I smiled.


"Ashton I'm fine I decided to stay home today."

He said something to a student about taking someone to get ice then returned his attention back to me.

"I'm coming to your house after work ."

I hung up and finished my show .

"Stop your squishing me."

Ashton was sleep and kept rolling to my side .

Which I made it pretty clear were he was to sleep at.

"Go to sleep Payton." He groaned as he spooned me and wrapped his arm around my body.

"I'm not tired and I'm not missing my show."

I whined trying to turn towards the t.v .

"The man with all the comics and the drug dealers girlfriend did it."

I threw my pillow at his face.

"You aren't suppose to tell me."

Ashton got up and walked to his bag grabbing his laptop.

"What are you doing ?" I asked leaning over his shoulder watching him log in.

"I have to put in grades for progress."

"Give me an A ."

I wasn't being funny but it seemed to be hilarious to him.

"What's funny?"

I crossed my arms over my chest . After what felt like an hour he stopped laughing.

"Your going to have to work for your grade like everyone else."

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