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I couldn't shake Ashton out my head . It was weird for me to think about someone so much . I couldn't even concentrate in Sculpting which was my favorite class.

Lunch came which I was so happy for . I needed to feed my baby.

I walked into the line and heard the cheese pizza calling my name. I bought a water and some chips and found Amari at our usual table she seemed to be excited with Sage having the same expression.

"Hey guys." I waved as I sat next to Sage ready to devour my food.

"Are you okay ? This morning you seemed sick." I shrugged my shoulders at Amari. "Morning sickness ." I answered simply. Sage wrinkled his noes when I put my chips on my pizza.

"Your such a pig Payton ." He looked away in disgust. I frowned and continued to stuff my face.

"I heard Mr.Hottie is only 23."

Here we go.

"That's pretty young to be a teacher, must have good connections. " Amari agreed and they engulfed themselves with topics of "Mr.Hottie".

"Yea the principle is his uncle ." Amari said to Sage as we walked to gym. Dylan didn't have gym . Which was stupid considering he's on the football team .

"Can you guys shut up he's most likely some arrogant ass who thinks he can get whatever he wants because his uncle is the principle." I felt a presence behind me and saw them both close to drooling.

"Payton ." I looked at the guy who's been on my mind since this morning. "Um hi Ashton ." I heard them both gasp and I rolled my eyes. Was it that bad to say hi to a very , very ,very hot student . The bell rung and his eyes smiled at mine. "You should get to class ." I mentally rolled my eyes. "Why is that ?"

He smirked pulling a whistle from inside his shirt . "Because I hate writing detentions ."

Realization started to kick in . "Your my coach ." I stated more then asked . Amusement was written over his face watching my every move. "I'll see you all in class." He walked towards the gym and we followed.

I felt stupid I should've known , he was way to developed to be a to student . Sage grabbed my arm helping me up the bleachers we didn't have to dress since it was the first day .

"Alright class as most of you may know I'm the new gym teacher . Coach Deniro. I am required to get to know my students so we'll have you go around and say something about yourself."

His eyes locked with mine . I looked away and played with my sweater.

"Sir could we get to know you first ." I didn't know the girl but I could tell she was freshmen . "Such a slut. " I laughed at Amari statement.

"Well I'm 23 , I graduated from Emory University in Georgia studying in physical education-

Sage cut him off . "Sir the real question is are you single ?" I actually wanted to know not because I want him or anything just because I'm nosey.

He grinned shaking his head . "Yes I am ." He started with the first years introducing themselves and pushing up their breast . I rolled my eyes at their desperation.

"Payton , your next ." I stood up pulling at my sweater . I'm 17 , pregnant obviously and I like 60's rock music." I sat dowm waiting for the next person .

"Who made you fall in love with rock the Beatles or the rolling stones . " I looked up and locked with his beautiful eyes . "Rolling stones." I grinned looking down .

"I would've guessed Beatles." He smiled.

We didn't look away from each other until Amari stood up to introduce herself . He broke contact and I felt lonely . Weird since I barely knew the guy .

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