Chapter Six

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*A picture of Adam and Emma"

The Story Of Us

Chapter Six



We were sitting in the food court eating our pizza when Jess started talking. "Okay, so what's up with you and Chewbacca?" She asked Dean.

He chuckled putting down his pizza and wiped his mouth with a napkin, "She's just a friend."

Jess rolled her eyes not believing him, "A friend with benefits."

My eyes went wide as I stared at Dean, waiting for him to respond. I couldn't imagine him willingly touching that girl. She was a white girl with dark hair, brown eyes and an athletic build. She's beautiful, if I'm being honest. But it was something about her vibe that I didn't like. There's something wrong with her, I can tell. Or... I just need to mind my business.

He shrugged, "I guess that's what you could call it. I actually dated her for a while, but..." He shook his head and grimaced at the thought.

"But?" I pushed.

"She was obsessive, territorial and annoying... She wanted sex and money all the time. She cheated on me a few times and when I broke up with her, she stalked me months. She just always seems to pop up wherever I am. Just when I think she's finally out of my life, there she is again... A few months into our relationship, I found out that she a Schizophrenic and has a bad habit of not taking her meds when she's supposed to. The girl has some serious issues and she's not in control of them."

"Your sex game must be crazy cause..." Jess laughed. "Make a crazy bitch, even crazier."

"Jess!" I kicked her under the table in disbelief. This girl has no filter what so ever!

Dean laughed and shrugged, "Well, I don't wanna brag or nothing..." His face grew serious a moment later. " Seriously though, if I knew she had problems like that, I would've never gotten involved with her. Not because I'm a dick, but because I have my own problems."

"She's not dangerous is she? I know people who suffer with that mental illness become a threat to themselves and others at some point. She doesn't know where you live right right?" I asked.

"Worried about me?" He smirked.

I tried my hardest not to blush, "Of course."

"Don't worry about me. I can handle her." He assured me but I not sure I believe him. 

Jess excused herself from the table and went to the bathroom, leaving Dean and me alone. It was a little awkward. Neither of us really knowing what to say or talk about.

"So," he said, staring down at his half-eaten pizza. "You actually surprised me back there. Didn't know you could act that well."

I blushed and took a sip of my soda, "Thanks, neither did I."

Little did he know, some of that wasn't acting. The way I reacted to his hands on my body, his words, his kisses were real. Real excitement. Real shivers. Real desires...

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