💎Chapter Twenty Three💎

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After the movie was over Jess and I wasted some more time at the mall next door to the theater. We sat at the food court eating McDonald's french fries.

Jess's phone rang and she answered it, "Hey babe"

Aw they're so cute, I thought to myself.

"Okay. See you In five" she hung up.

"So.." I began.

She raised an eyebrow at me. "..So?"

"So, how are you and Damon?"

She immediately started to blush. I guess thing's are going really good because she never blushes..

"Right now, everything is perfect between us. He's very open and honest with me and I love that. He's a sweetheart" she gushed.

"I'm so happy that you finally found someone who makes you happy Jess"

"Aw thank you best friend! I'm happy too! I know it's only been like four months but it feels like it's been a lifetime, ya know?"

I nodded my head, thinking of how I use to be with Adam. "Yeah.. I do.. It feels like forever since I've felt that way"

"Well what's going on with you and Dean?"

"What do you mean?.. Nothing's going on."

She waved me off, "Girl please.. Don't play with me. I'm not blind Mia, I can see that something is clearly going on between the two of you"

I blushed as I looked down at my hands. "Your wrong.. Yes, Dean is extremely attractive. Yes, we're really close and I do consider him as my best friend, but that's it.. That's all I'll ever be to him.. His friend."

"You couldn't be more wrong Mia.. You can't see that he has feelings for you?"

"He doesn't.. He's just a really good friend"

Jess rolled her eyes and nodded, "Okay, so let me asked you this.. Do you have feelings for him?"

Woah.. I've never actually thought about it. Do I have feelings for Dean? I mean, he's sweet and caring, even if he doesn't want to admit it. He's funny, smart and very talented. A little rough around the edges but he's a good guy. Him looking like he was carved by God himself is just a bonus.. He's always there for me when I need him.. And when I don't. He cares for me the way no other man ever has.. Every time he touches me he sends chills throughout my body. Even though I sometimes pretend that I hate when he calls me princess, but I really don't.. I love it. I even find myself missing him whenever he's not around.. So do I have feelings for him?

I stared out of the window as Deans car parked in front of the food court section of the mall. He got out and God, he looked so yummy. His black leather jacket slightly covered his grayish T-shirt. His almost black and 'not so skinny' skinny jeans, his black and white vans and that oh so adorable beanie sitting on his head..

When my heart began to race, my body began to heat up and I began to feel anxious just at the sight of him, I knew my answer

Dean noticed me and gave me that sexy famous smirk of his.

"Yeah.. I have feelings for him."



"Can I please take this off?" Mia asked referring to the tie that was covering her eyes.

"No" I simply said.

"But it's itchy" she whined.

"Shut up you big baby" Jess blurted.

You learn to love how blunt she is. That's for sure..

I could see Jessica's confused face as we pulled into my driveway. Neither of them had any idea about what was going on, which was the point. It's a surprise..

I opened the car door for Mia and helped her out.

"Where are we?" She asked.

She's such a curious person. "You'll see"

I guided her into the house and up to my bedroom. Jessica smiled at me in excitement once she realized what was going on.

I stood behind Mia getting ready to take he blindfold off. "Are you ready?"

"..yes" she answered unsure.

I chuckled and removed the blindfold. Her eyes grew wide and she let a gasp escape from her mouth.

She turned to look at me with wide eyes "You did this?"

"For you.. yeah" I told her trying to hide how nervous I was, "You said you wouldn't mind a roommate.. So I thought you could room with me.."

I walked her over to the vanity that I got for her. "I found this old vanity and just fixed up it for you. I figured you could put your makeup and other shit in there."

She laughed, "It's beautiful Dean"

"I did the same to the dresser. It was busted too, but I fixed it up and put some on your clothes in there already"

I took her into my decent sized walk in closet and a smile broke out across her face.

"You hung all of my clothes up too" she laughed. "Look at all of my shoes"

I took her into the bathroom next. "Awe.. All of my stuff is in here too.. This is amazing.."

She went back into the room and just looked around in amazement.

I was happy about how the room looked. It didn't really look like a room before. I had some of my stuff here but I go back and forth from my moms to here so much that I didn't feel the need to completely move in here. Now, I put some of Mia's pictures and posters on the walls, got some new lamps, curtains and a bedspread. Added her vanity and dresser, got a body length mirror and rug and hung the TV on the wall. Now the room actually looked lived in.

I just hope she likes it..

"It already looks like I live here!" Mia happily said.

"That's up to you." I grabbed her hands and looked her in the eyes. "Mia, will you be my roommate?"

She grinned at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Of course"

I hugged her back with the same amount of enthusiasm.

I'm glad she's happy. I know it's going to be a challenge rooming with a female, but as long as it's Mia.. I won't mind at all. I'll try to be on my best behavior.

"YEEEEAAAh!!!" All of the guys including Jess came running into the room and jumped on the bed.

Dumb asses.

But as long as Mia is happy, I'm happy.

"Thank you Dean. Thank you so so much" She kissed the corner of my mouth which surprised me.

I pulled her into my arms again, loving how she felt in my arms. I kissed the top of her head, getting a face full of her curly hair, which I absolutely loved.

"Anything for you princess"


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