Chapter Three

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The Story Of Us

Chapter Three



"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you off in front of your house?" I asked looking out the window of my car.

My dad would have a fit if he knew I was in this part of town... Again.

Run down houses and apartment buildings. Trash all over the streets, as if there weren't trash cans on every corner. People who looked anything but friendly, standing in front of corner stores, restaurants and apartment buildings. Drug dealers, prostitutes were everywhere... It was late and there were even some kids still out playing.

I wasn't allowed to be in the hood... And if my parents cared enough to pay attention to anything that I do, they'd know I was here and they'd kill me. But since they could care less about me, I didn't care much about breaking their rules.

"What's wrong princess? Scared?" He asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

It was the first smirk I've seen on him since meeting him. I would've complemented him if he wasn't being condescending.

I hated when people called me a princess. "I'm not scared, I'm concerned... And don't call me princess."

I wasn't lying. I'm not scared. I was more concerned for him. I knew the kind of people who hung out and lived around here. I was a little concerned about the thing's Dean might be into.

"It's okay if you're scared, princess. Your type doesn't really come on this side of town too often anyway... If ever," he stared out the window as he spoke.

"My type? You just met me. How do you know what my type is?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Your shiny new Tata H5X SUV is a dead give away. Not many people our age are driving around in a car that's only been out for a few months," he said, not even bothering to look at me.

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that you're probably annoyingly rich and that pisses me off a little bit. You're also that preppy rich type. The 'my daddy got me a shiny new sports car, but it's not the color I wanted so I won't drive it' type... The 'daddy, I need five hundred dollars so I can go shopping' type," he explained, shaking his head. "People like me, have to work for everything we own. We don't get hand outs. Just saying."

"What do you want me to do? Apologize for my parents being successful?" I rolled my eyes at him, annoyed.

I stared at him a little taken back. For a guy who never really said much, he sure does have an attitude problem.

I couldn't help but feel so offended by what he was saying. It was true, though... If I asked for a shiny new sports car and five hundred dollars to go shopping my dad would give it to me, no questions asked. I also felt kind of pissed off and hurt because he just assumed that I was that kind of spoiled brat that took my families wealth for granted. I didn't always have this lifestyle. I know the value of a dollar and I also know that hard work gets you to where you need to be. I'm rich, but far from spoiled and my life has been anything but easy.

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