Chapter 41

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"What do you want with Jess!? This has nothing to do with her!!" I yelled.

"And that's where your wrong mi amor!!" (My love) "She's your best friend, sister even!"


"So, I had to make sure your boyfriend here would show up tonight! Dont take this personal mi amor. Just think of it as, I needed some insurance and your friend here provided that for me."

"You son of a-"

"Son of a bitch! Yea I know! Everyone keeps calling me that lately.. Do you think that that's a sign? Maybe I should go visit my mothers grave.. Bring that bitch some flowers or something.. Anyway.. Can I have my money now?"

I looked at Dean who looked to be in deep thought so I nudged him with my elbow.

"Give me Jess first" Dean said.

Miguel shrugged. "Okay... Here" he put his gun down. "Go ahead sweetheart"

Jess ran over to us and I immediately embraced her. I Dont know what I would've done if I lost her.

"Are you okay?" I asked while untying her hands.

"Yea I'm fine but, Mia what the fuck is going on?" She asked worried.

"I'll explain everything later" I assured her.

"Okay sure.. But you shouldn't be here" she narrowed her eyes at me.

"I have to be here. I couldn't just let him-"

"-No Mia. You really shouldn't be here. It's not safe for you"

I gave her a look. "Jess, Dont. I'm fine. Nothing bad is going to happen to me"

"My money! Now!!" Miguel yelled at Dean.

Dean started to walk towards him with the bag but Miguel stopped him.

"Not you!" He glared at Dean "I want mi amor to give it to me" he smiled at me. "Oops. That sounded naughty"

"There's no fucking way I'm letting you near her!" Dean yelled.

Miguel held his gun up pointing it at Dean. "I Dont think you have a choice!!"

I jumped in front of Dean, shielding him. "I'll do it!"

Dean grabbed my arm and shoved me behind him and Jess stood in front of me. "No! You don't get to protect me like that! I'm not letting you near him Mia! Are you crazy!?" He whispered yelled.

Jess was giving me a stern look. "Yea. That's not a good idea. Dont be stupid!"

"Guys, look at him.. He's not playing around. This is not worth dying over. I'm giving him the money.. Then, we can all go home and forget that this ever happened" I grabbed both of their hands. "I love you guys so I'm doing this. Then we can go home"

I took the bag from Dean and made my way over to Miguel.

"There she is.. Mi amor" he held out his arms as if I were going to run into them.

"Here's your money. Now can we go?" I handed him the bag and as he reached for it he grabbed my wrist, pulling me into him.

His face was so close to mine as he stared into my eyes. "Yes. They may leave. But I think I'll keep you"

I tried to pull away from him but he was too strong. "Let me go"

"Well we're off!" Miguel waved to Dean.

"Miguel Dont do this!" Dean yelled as he held his gun up at Miguel.

"I think I will do this!"

They both had their guns pointing at each other.

I was panicking. "Miguel just let me go. You Dont have to be this way. You have your money!"

Miguel started to back away slowly "It doesn't have to end like this Dean.. You have the opportunity to leave here alive. I would take it if I were you"

"And you have that same opportunity, i advise you to take it. And I'm not going anywhere without Mia. So why Dont you just let her go?"

"Oh so noble! Always so stupid and noble! Always trying to be the hero!! Always trying to be the winner! You know my father always wished you were his son.. Always asked me why I couldn't be more like you! He always told me that I was going to get no where in life unless I started to act like you.. Look at me now!! And look at you.. a loser!! Oh if only my old man were here to see this right now!! I'm like a fucking king in this city! No thanks to you course.. And you will bow!!"

"Your weak! Your a snake! You could never be a king! And I told your father from day one that I didn't want nothing to do with this shit!! And every time I get out and get away from you, from all of this, you find some way to bring me back and fuck everything up!! I lost my father and mother to this shit!! And I'll be damned if I lose my girlfriend to this shit to!!!" Dean then started to shoot at Miguel and before I knew it they were in a full blown gun fight.

Miguel had his arm around my neck as he back away while still shooting at Dean.

"Please Miguel, let me go" I sobbed as he stopped shooting and ran away from Dean.

We stopped running and hid beside a truck.

"Miguel please!"

"Shut up!"

"Why are you doing this? Why are you so fixated on ruining his life?" I stared at him while trying to get my breathing under control. "Hm? Tell me!!"

"I hate him because everyone loves him! Even as a child who grew up with nothing and doing all the wrong things he still had more than I did! My father and mother respected him!! They loved him! More than then they ever could love me! Their own son!! And for what!!? For what!? Everyone turned their back on me because of him!!" He yelled in my face. "So its not about the money.. Its personal. So I want to be the one to suck anything good out of his.." He stared at me. "Starting with you" Miguel then smacked me and I fell to the ground.

"Miguel wait! I'm sorry that he ruined your life!" I held my hands up to block him. "This is not the answer. It won't fix anything!"

He sighed running his hands through his hair. "Yea but it'll feel pretty damn good"

He slapped me again and hovered over me. His hands wrapped around my neck and he tightened his grip.

I was scared. I could literally feel my life slipping away from me. No matter how much I scratched, punched, kicked.. No matter how much I tried to yell for Dean, for Jess, for anyone.. I couldn't.. I couldn't get him off of me. For a second I thought 'Hmm.. I'll finally be with Spinner again' and that this is okay.. Everybody has to die some time right? Then I realized that I'm not just living for me anymore. It's not about me anymore.. And just that thought gave me all the strength I needed to reach in my pocket and grab the pocket knife Dean made me always carry around.


Just as Jess and i rounded the truck we paused at the sight in front of us. Miguel was hovered over Mia choking her. I instantly held my gun up and aimed it at his back, but before I could pull the trigger Miguel let go of Mia's neck and she rapidly grasped for air. Miguel turned his head slightly to look at me, making eye contact with me, and then fell on to his side. Mia's crawled as fast as she could away from him as she sobbed into her hands. I immediately ran over to her and she slightly flinched away from me.

"Its okay. Come here" I told her.

I kneeled down beside her and wrapped her sobbing body in my arms.

"What did I do?" she cried.

"Its okay, its okay" I soothed as my eyes flickered from Jess's sobbing face to Miguel's dean body.

It's okay. I'll fix it. I'll fix it.. Is what I had to keep telling myself.

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