Chapter Two

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The Story Of Us

Chapter Two



Even after everything that happened today, I still had to go to Jess's house. I knew she was going to kill me for being almost an hour late. She was going to have to understand that I'm not in the mood to go shopping with her today.

I offered to drive Dean home, but he said he didn't feel like going home yet so I invited him to come with me to Jessica's house. It's the very least I could do after he comforted me, a complete stranger, when he really didn't have to.

Currently, we were sitting in my car, parked outside of Jessica's house. Well, you can hardly call it a house. It was a mansion. An obnoxious excuse for a home, much like mine. I reached in my bag for my mini mirror and I fixed my makeup, trying to cover up any indication that I had been crying.

"Why are you putting that shit on your face? You don't need it," Dean stared at me, seeming genuinely confused.

I didn't know if he was giving me a compliment or if he was just genuinely confused as to why I wear makeup.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

I didn't allow myself to acknowledge it before, but Dean is very attractive. His brown hair was cut on the side and back and was left longer at the top. It was a little curly and messy, I guess from the wind and working out. He had these beautiful pale green eyes, a sharp jaw, plump lips and a chiseled, muscular build, with bulging muscles in all the right places. I've never seen a teenage boy have such a great physical physique... At least not any of the guys from our school. It was obvious that he liked to work out, a body like that isn't naturally a given. With the small amount of facial hair that graced his jaw, he almost seemed a lot older than I knew he obviously is. He had to be seventeen, eighteen or nineteen years old. There's no way he's any older than that.

I made a mental note to ask him one of these days.

He's beautiful though... So beautiful that it almost seemed strange for him to be here, living amongst normal looking people. It felt like he belonged on TV or modeling underwear or nice clothes for big fashion companies in New York or LA. He looked like he belonged on every cover of every erotic romance novel.

How could I have not noticed this before?

I knew the answer to that already. I only had eyes for Adam. Adam isn't underwear model handsome, like Dean, but he was handsome to me. I found him attractive. I loved our chemistry and how no matter what, we always managed to have fun with each other. Once upon a time, he loved me and was always so sweet to me.

Clearly, I had been fooled. It seems that the guy I fell for, was just an act... a fake.. I didn't know him, not really. Two years of dating and I only knew the version of him, he wanted me to know.

I felt a stray tear run down my face and a gentle thumb wiped it away. Dean had been staring at me, waiting for me to respond to him.

"He's not worth your tears," he assured me and for some reason I believed him. "Come on," he got out and opened my door for me.

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