Chapter Eight

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*A picture of Damon*

 The Story Of Us

Chapter Eight



Jess and I got dressed, did our hair and makeup and we were ready for the day. She took my phone off the charger and threw it to me, "Here. Call or text Dean. See if he's ready."

"Why can't you do it?" I asked her, not wanting to be the one to call him.

She put her hands on her hips, "He's not my man. He's yours. Therefore, you call him."

I rolled my eyes at her, "He is not my man. I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me in that way. We're friends. Besides, I'm still dealing with my breakup."

"Are you serious?" Jess shouted, clearly disappointed.

"We would've been together for two years today... Can you imagine investing that much time into someone? And being so comfortable? And just all of sudden that comfort is taken from you... You feel like you'll never connect with anyone like that again... ever.. And it's just... Not to mention he was there for me when..." I trailed off as my voice cracked. I was trying not to cry and be strong for her, but honestly, it's so hard.

Jess pulled me into a comforting hug and rubbed my back, "Shh... It's okay girl. Your right, I'm sorry. You have every right not to be okay."

"I feel so worthless and pathetic, Jess. Like I'm cursed or something," I allowed a few sobs out.

She pulled away from our hug and stared right into my eyes. I saw that her eyes were watery too, and that made me feel worse. She doesn't cry nearly as much as I do and if she did, she always hid it. This is why I've been trying to be strong for her.

"Don't you ever let some dumbass half retarded boy make you alter the way you see yourself. You are a lot of things, but worthless is not one of them. You will be okay, Mia. Let time heal you. Adam is just a boy. A sad, pathetic little boy, who doesn't deserve to even breathe the same air as you. That may not be what you want to hear, but you need to hear it. He doesn't deserve you. He never did, girl. And as for the other thing... Sometimes bad things happen to really good people and I'm so so so sorry that that happened and I know there's no handbook on how to heal, but I'm here to help and I will always be. I promise. Okay?" She told me and wiped my tears away.

"Thank you. I love you, Jess," I told her. She always knows what to say.

"I know you do. I love you too. No more crying though! You know I don't cry! You got me messing up my makeup... We're definitely too pretty to be crying like this," she wiped her own tears away while laughing laughing.

This is a good example of why I love her so much. She's my rock. Without her I would be a complete mess all of the time. We balance each other out and keep each other sane. 

"So are you going to call Dean or what?" She asked from the bathroom.

I unlocked my phone and looked for Dean's number. Once I found it, I called it.

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