Chapter 42

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Its been about a month since the whole thing with Miguel went down. The story of his death was covered up pretty easily since everyone who was basically under his command hated his guts. One of his men approached me three days after his death and told me that I was next in line to lead them.. I looked at him like he was crazy. I never wanted anything to do with the damn gang in the first place, why the hell would I want to lead them? So of course I told him no and to never bother me again. I haven't heard anything from them since then and they've all been pretty quiet lately too, waiting for their next move I guess.

As for Mia.. Well, I haven't heard from or seen her this entire month. That same night we came home and she packed some of her things and left. We didn't argue, we didn't fight, hell we didn't even speak.. She just packed up and left, and I didn't chase her. I figured she just wanted her space, which I can completely understand. I just didn't think she was going to leave me for this long... She's been staying at Jess's house. That, i'm grateful for.. At least she's not in some dark apartment by herself. She has Jess to keep her company. Jess has also been keeping tabs on her and reporting back to me. She's been avoiding me at any costs so Jess just let's me know how she's doing..

I blame myself for everything that happened. I can't believe I let things get this bad. I lost control of the whole situation.. I was ready, I was ready to take Miguel's life! I was ready for his blood to be on my hands! I never wanted this for her! I ruined her.. I know she'll never forgive me for this. She's never going to want anything to do with me, and i can't blame her.

"Aww look who's down in the dumps" I heard a male voice say.

I looked up squinting my eyes because of the sun. "Not that I really care.. But where you been? You've been missing for months.q.."

"Eh," Adam shrugged. "Here and there"

I just stared at him. He just had that kind of face that looked so punchable. I wanted nothing more than to take all of my anger and frustration out on him, but even I knew that that would be stupid and pointless. Kicking his ass wouldn't bring Mia back to me. Kicking his ass wouldn't fix this entire mess that I made.. So what's the point?..

"I dropped out" he said as he sat down next to me on the bench. "That's why it seems like I just fell of the face of the earth"

I nodded understandingly. "Why?"

He sighed and sat back. "I was kind of a dick"

I gave him a flat look. "Kinda?"

"Okay, I was a dick"

I nodded agreeing with him. "A major one"

"Right. And because of that people started not to like me.. My friends turned their backs on me, my girlfriend left me and my family didn't want anything to do with me. I lost everyone... So I left. Went from place to place, met some really amazing people and learned a thing or two about life and how to treat people"

"So while you were out soul searching, did you happen to find a heart?" I asked seriously.

He glanced at me for a second and nodded. "Yea, I did.."

The urge to punch him in the face was weakening and I'll be honest, it felt weird as fuck!

"So what now?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I've written my wrongs.. I've changed for the better. Now all I can do is hope that everyone will forgive me"

"Just like that?" He arched his eyebrow at me. "You think you can screw up that badly and people are just going to forgive you? It doesn't work like that.."

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