💎Chapter Twenty Two💎

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It's been two whole months since I've moved out of my families house. I've been going back and forth from Jess's house to Deans house.. I think its safe to say that I am sick of living out of suitcases and duffle bags.. I think it's time I stop being a big baby and get my own place.. Who better to help me look for it than my best friends?

"Oh I found one!" Jess said.

Jess, Dean, Damon and I were currently sitting on the floor around the coffee table on our laptops searching for apartments.

"What cha' got?" I asked as she turned the laptop to face me. "Jess look at the size of that place.."

She waved me off. "It's not that big"

I gave her a flat look. "It has 4 1/2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms, a front and back balcony and just look at the size of the kitchen and living room!"

"So what? It's not like you can't afford it" Damon mumbled.

"I don't need something that big.. It's just me.. and just because I have access to my parents money doesn't mean I should take advantage of that fact" I rolled my eyes. "Maybe one day when I have a family I'll get something that.."

"You want a family?" Damon asked.

Jess and I both nodded. "She use to tell me that she only wanted 2 kids.. but now she wants as many as she can possibly have" Jess chuckled.

For the first time in ten minutes Deans eyes left his computer screen. He and Damon's eyes were wide as they both stared at me in surprise.

"What? I love kids" I shrugged.

"Hmm.. That's interesting" Damon patted Deans back and smiled. "So how many kids do you want Dean?"

Dean just rolled his eyes. "I don't know. I've never really thought about having kids"

I was kind of shocked by his answer. He's a very protective and family oriented person. I thought he would love to have a bunch of mini versions of himself running around. But I can also understand why he wouldn't want any.. The way he was raised no doubt damaged him. So he's probably just afraid. Then again who isn't afraid? Who isn't damaged in some sort of way? Pain is life.. We've all been through it some way or another. For some of us it's never ending..

"I think you would make a great father someday.." I blurted before I could stop myself.

Looking at his features, I couldn't help but think what our kids would look like if we were to have any.. I know that's wishful thinking but.. a girl can dream.

He smirked at me, "You think so?"

"I know so" I blushed.

"Yes! I found another one!" Jess shouted happily.

We all groaned and rolled our eyes at her.. She's probably going to show me another palace.


Five horrific hours of apartment hunting.. All of the apartments we thought would be nice were the exact opposite. When we went to go check the first apartment out, I nearly had a heart attack! In the picture it was clean, spacious and nice.. But in person it was the most filthiest place I had ever seen! Garbage everywhere, dirty clothes just thrown any and everywhere, and the ugliest color of green was painted on every wall and to make it worse, the paint was chipping!

The second one was owned by some weird cat lady. She literally had over about twenty five cats in that house! I'm not going to go into detail about how absolutely gross it was, but all I'm going to say is that, those cats own that house.. Not her.

The third one literally made me want to throw up. The house wasn't dirty, it wasn't ugly and it didn't smell like cat pee and old dirty socks..

This one was owned by two older men who were looking for a female housemate.. They were more creepy than you could ever imagine! The lust in their eyes as they stared at Jess and I made it very clear about what they were really looking for.. and it sure as hell wasn't just a housemate! I literally had to hold onto Dean so he wouldn't kill them..

By the forth house I totally gave up. There's no way in hell I'm living in a house with a bunch of dead fucking animals!

I didn't even feel like looking anymore but we still had three more apartments to look at.. Once I saw how horrible those apartments were too, I was officially done.

I swear I have the worst luck..

We were now all sitting in some coffee shop sipping some hot chocolate.

"Out of all of the apartments in this state.. I managed to find all of the creepy fucked up ones" I mumbled as I rested my head on Deans shoulder.

"They were pretty fucked up" Damon agreed.

"Sorry princess.. but I would rather you live in a box than in any of those nasty ass apartments" Dean told me. "Not that I'd actually let you live in a box.."

"Why is this so hard?" I mumbled. "I really don't want to go too far out of town.. but I guess I'll have to" I sighed.

"That means you'll either have to change schools or just do that twenty minute drive five days a week to school and back.." Jessica sadly explained.

"And I'll be further away from you guys.."

That really made me sad.. I don't want to change schools and I don't want to be that far away from my friends. They are seriously all I have. I don't know what I'm gonna do..

"I have a question for you" Damon said to me.

"Shoot" I mumbled.

"How would you feel if we found you a house with a roommate?" He asked.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "I wouldn't mind sharimg a house with someone.. Do you know someone who's looking for a roomate?"

"Yeah but like an actual roommate. As in sharing a room" Dean asked.

I thought about for a second, "Like a loft kind of space? Will I have enough room for my stuff?"

They both nodded and said, "Of course"

I smiled at them because that was just super cute. "Then yes.."

"Hmm. Okay" Dean said as he and Damon got up.

They paid for our hot chocolates and grabbed our hands. It was freezing so we ran to the car. We drove for while before stopped in front of a movie theater.

"We're seeing a movie?!" Jess and I said excitedly.

"You two are" Damon said.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked.

"We have to go to the shop. I just have to see what's wrong with some guys bike.." Dean told us. The shop is where he works as a mechanic. "Don't worry, I'll be back for you princess"

Dean put a fifty dollar bill in my hand and winked at me.

"Movies and snacks on me. Go have fun"

Once Jess and I got out of the car I walked over to the drivers side window. Dean rolled it down and I gave him a kiss on the cheek mumbling a thank you in his ear. His cheeks slightly blushed red and it was the cutest thing ever.

Jess and I excitedly ran into the movie theater while debating on what movie we should see.

Some alone time with my number one best friend was definitely needed.


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