Chapter Eleven: The Party/Part Three

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The Story Of Us

Chapter One: The Party: Part Three



I opened the bathroom door to reveal my best friend whose face transformed into several different expressions. Shock and worry being the most prominent ones. Damon stood next to her, though It's obvious he's just as surprised to see his brother locked in a bathroom with me, he, at least, tried to hide his surprise.

A knowing smile appeared on Jessica's face and she asked, "I'm sorry. Did we interrupt something?" 

Hell yeah, you interrupted something! I thought to myself.

"No," Is what I said instead. "I was just cleaning Dean's cut," which was only half the truth. We were about to be doing something much more intimate in here.

Jess and Damon both rolled their eyes at me, obviously not believing a word I said, which is fine. I mean, my face probably exposed everything Dean and I were about to do. We were about to kiss... Up until now, I hadn't realized just how much I wanted to kiss Dean. Now that the desire is there, it would stay with me, like an itch underneath the skin you can't quite reach. The urge to kiss him will stay with me until I actually kiss him... 

Would kissing Dean be better than kissing Adam? Already, Dean's touch felt better than Adam's. Dean's touch felt sincere, like he means me no harm. Whereas Adam's touch always felt like he was subtly trying to push me to go further than I was comfortable with. And when I would tell him to slow down or stop, it was always a problem. I ignored it because, I get it. I'm human too. I get turned on and want to have sex just as much as the next person but... Losing my virginity isn't something that should be rushed. I'm not waiting for marriage or anything. I just want someone to prove to me that they are worthy of taking my virginity. That's all. 

Anyway, Adam, definitely wasn't that person and I think deep down I knew that, and that's why I didn't have sex with him. Kissing turned me on, after we were doing it for a while. Dean turned me on just by touching me and almost kissing me. Sex with Dean? Nope. I'm definitely not going there!

"I heard you accidentally got hit in the face. Are you okay?" She touched my cheek where it was a little swollen.

"I'm fine. It barely hurts anymore."

"It's a bit swollen and red, but I doubt it will bruise or anything. You should put some ice on it, though."

"I'm okay nurse Jessica. I already made a scene downstairs and embarrassed myself. I'm not walking around with an ice pack to my face."

"That's doctor Jessica, thank you very much. But okay, but if it starts burning or get any more swollen, please put an ice pack on it. Okay?" She gave me that concerned look with her eyes that I could never turn down.

"Okay, fine. I promise."

She grinned and hugged me, "Thank you. Love you."

I hugged her back, "Love you too."

"Are you guys done in here?"

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