-Chapter Eighteen-

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The Story Of Us

Chapter Eighteen

Book One

Mia's Pov


Dean ran over to the woman now known as his mother and made sure she was okay. Meanwhile, my blood was boiling and all I really wanted to do was punch that sorry excuse of a man in his damn face for hurting Dean's mom like this.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I shouted as I shoved the big man's chest.

He barely moved but I wasn't really expecting him to, he's huge compared to me... At this point, none of that mattered to me. My rage was getting the best of me.

I smacked the man in his face hard and asked, "You don't like to be slapped, do you?!"

"Mia, get away from him now!" Dean yelled at the same time the woman beater hissed, "Bitch," at me with so much anger that I subconsciously took a step back. 

I didn't even have enough time to duck or dodge, a slap impacts my face so hard that it sent me stumbling backward. I'd like to think that I'm a brave girl and that I can handle anything that comes my way. So I held in my cry of pain and rubbed my now-burning cheek with my hand. 

 I heard Dean yelling and saw him fighting the guy who hit his mother and I.

His mom was sitting on the ground shivering and scratching at her arm. I walked over to her slowly, not wanting to scare her or anything.

She looked and smelled horrible but I didn't care. She needs help and that's what's important.

"Hi," I said softly.

She glanced up at me briefly, "I ain't buying nothing from you."

"No, I'm not selling anything. Are you cold?"

"What's it to you?" She snapped.

I took my jacket off, "I have a jacket. You can wear it if you want. I'm with Dean. We're going to help you."

She stared at me for a moment then nodded her head. I put my jacket on her and helped her to her feet. Dean came rushing over to us a little out of breath and looking a little rough. I knew it was because he was just fighting that dickhead who liked to hit women.

"Let's go," he all but growled to us as he helped his mother up.

The dickhead Dean just fought was on the ground, curled up in a ball groaning loudly in pain. Good for him... I hope he suffers.

We made it back to the apartment building and got into the elevator. It stunk so bad of piss. The evidence was a puddle of yellow on the floor of the elevator. I willed for the elevator to please speed before I start throwing up all over the place.

The elevator dinged before the doors slowly opened, I all but ran out of the disgusting thing, but I waited patiently for Dean to lead the way with his mother.

We walked down the semi-long hallway and stopped at a metal blue door and Dean pulled out his keys and unlocked it.

Dean's mother was in my arms now. My strength seemed to be the only thing keeping her upright. Dean held the heavy-looking door open for us and I led his mom in and to the couch where she immediately laid down.

I just stood there awkwardly waiting for whatever was going to happen next. Dean just stood there watching his mother, his arms folded across his chest and brows knitted tightly together. Anger radiated off of him in waves and I didn't want to overstep my boundaries by trying to comfort him in an impossible situation. There were no words that could be said that could make any of this okay or better. His mother is a drug addict for crying out loud! So I kept quiet and almost wished I could fade into the background.

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