Chapter Seven

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The Story Of Us

Chapter Seven'



I went to my house to drop off all of the bags I acquired from our trip to the mall earlier and made my way to Jess's house. Some of the staff was still there so I didn't bother locking up the house. The staff would send me a text when they were done with their duties and would lock up the house.

Pulling into Jess's large driveway, I noticed that she and Dean were both waiting for me on her grand front porch. Seeing them, sitting there with smiles on their faces literally made my heart skip a beat. Jess means everything to me and Dean, he's such a nice person. I almost feel like I don't deserve for them to be so happy to see me. But God knows that I am so grateful for them. I haven't even known Dean for a week and I can tell that we'll good friends. Honestly, It just felt good not to be alone, because if I didn't have Jess, I knew I would be dead right now... And that's not an exaggeration.

After getting some snacks from Jess's kitchen, we all went straight up to her bedroom and flopped down on her bed, making ourselves comfortable.

Together, we watched a bunch of movies. The snacks only lasted through the first two movies, but we didn't mind. I loved how easy it was to be around Jess and Dean. We joked around, laughed and totally avoided the conversation Jessica so badly wanted to have about what happened at the mall earlier. There's nothing to talk about. I acted on impulse to help out a friend. That's it... Eventually, though, we fell asleep.

Suddenly I heard some Nicki Minaj song start to play, which is the reason I woke up. I opened my eyes and looked around, half asleep. When I noticed I wasn't home my heartbeat began to speed up. When I looked to my left and saw Jess cuddling with me and I looked to my right and saw that I was cuddling with Dean.

I was confused because for one, I was laying on Dean's chest... Again. So once again, I started to blush like an idiot. Two, Jess was all snuggled up with me, that wasn't abnormal, but I was very much smashed between two bodies. And three, the clock on Jess's nightstand said ten thirty A.M in big red numbers.

I shot straight up and shouted, "Oh my God!" Waking Jess and Dean up at the same time and scaring the hell out of them.

"Don't shoot!"Jess jumped up yelling.

Dean and I both stared at her. Dean was confused, but I knew the dream she was having. It was a nightmare I often relived myself. But I'm not going there, right now. 

"What the fuck Mia? You scared the shit out of-" she stopped talking when she noticed it was morning. "Ah shit, it's morning."

"Yeah!" I yelled extremely annoyed.

"So?" Dean asked groggily.

Jess and I both just stared at him. "It's Tuesday... We have to go to school. We're already like three hours late," Jess said like it was obvious, and it was.

"Mm. I could see how this would be a problem for you," he nodded his head.

Jess rolled her eyes, "For you too."

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