Chapter Sixteen

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The Story Of Us

Chapter Sixteen



I woke up about three hours later to Mia screaming. To say she scared the hell out of me was an understatement.

"Spinner!!!" She's screamed.

I sat up and tried to wake her,
"Mia, wake up!" I shook her.

"No no no! Spin Please! Wake up! Wake up!" She cried in her sleep.

I was shaking her again when she suddenly shot up right, hitting her head against mine.

"Owww!" She whined rubbing her forehead.

"Ah fuck!" I groaned holding my head.

"Oh my God! Dean, I am so sorry!" She apologized and checked to see if I was okay.

I rubbed my forehead, "I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

I smirked at her. She's cute when she worries about me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I hit my head all the time," she confessed.


"I know. I'm unfortunately clumsy," she blabbed dismissively.

I wanted to know if she was okay because she was screaming the name 'Spinner' in her sleep.

Who's Spinner anyway? And why did he need to wake up?



After I made sure I didn't bruise Dean with my big ol' head, we made our way downstairs. He kept asking me if I was okay and I honestly, I don't know how to answer him. I'm really not okay, but that's no one's problem but mine.

He's been absolutely amazing friend for helping out at my weakest moments. I seem to be having a lot of those lately.

Everyone was here and was watching the show Supernatural. So Dean and I quietly joined them on the couch.

Dean rested my legs on his lap and I couldn't help the blush that spread across my face. It was such a simple thing for him to do. But it made my heart flutter.

He is no doubt the sweetest person I've ever met. After Jessica of course. I thought it would be awkward between us because of everything that happened the night of the party but it wasn't, thankfully... If anything it made us closer.

Chris, who was sitting next to us just gave Dean a knowing smirk, which Dean just shook his head too

Everyone was pretty quiet and was paying close attention to show. It was the episode where Sam and that other guy were the only ones left alive in the town because of some stupid plan the yellow eyed demon had for the winner.. Dean and Bobby eventually found Sam, but that guy came up behind Sam and stabbed him right in the back, right in front of his brother. Dean and father figure, Bobby were a wreck when Sam died, but Dean took it the hardest just for the simple fact that Sam is his little brother who just died in his arms.

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