💎Chapter Twenty One💎

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That sunday night Mia, Jess and I finally finished packing the entire house and loading things into the storage. She's been staying at my house some nights and at Jessica's other nights.. Mia hasn't been happy these past few weeks. Packing her brothers room and moving out of her house has put her into a depressed state of mind. She just hasn't been herself at all..

I've been worrying about her..

The way I feel about Mia is all new to me. I've never been so interested in a person before. I like her.. I can't deny that.. but I don't want to like her.. For the simple fact that I know she would never go for a guy like me.. and that's okay. I'm okay with that.. Someone as damaged as me deserves to be alone. I want so much better for her anyway.. I don'tmind being a close friend to her. I know sometimes it seems like I don't care about her much but I do.. I'm used to showing too much emotion I try to prove to her that I can be a good friend through actions.

In the shower I let the water run over my face for a few seconds before rinsing the conditioner out of my hair. Once I was done I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist. I opened my bathroom door and paused, noticing a shocked Mia sitting on my bed. She was on her laptop with her headphones on.

She snatched her headphones out and said, "I am so sorry!" she was trying not to look at me. "I didn't know you were in the shower!"

I chuckled at her cuteness, "It's okay"

"I had headphones on and I didn't hear the water running. If I knew you were in the shower I wouldn't have came in here.. I know you would like your privacy and lately I've been invading your privacy and damn.. you don't have any clothes on so I should leave right now. I should stop talking and leave, so that's what I'm gonna do" she babbled and stood up from the bed.

"Slow down princess" I walked over to her. "Look.. For one, your not invading my privacy. I enjoy your company. Two, you can sit back down and continue doing whatever it was that you were doing. Get comfortable.. It's not like this is the first time you've seen me naked" I winked at her and absolutely loved the blush that blessed her face.

She briefly averted her eyes from me, "If my memory serves me Dean.. You had boxers on"

That actually surprised me.. We haven't brought up what happened the night of the party since.. well that next day. I know how shy she is so I wasn't expecting that response from her.

"Well your memory serves you Mia" I smirked at her. "What a memory.."

"Hmm" she padded my bare chest with her small hand. "Careful now"

Her sudden burst of confidence was, for sure, sexy to me. All I could do was just stare down at her adorable chunky face.

The way her hazel eyes were staring into my gray ones was hypnotizing. Sometimes it feels like she can see me.. not the me I let people see, but the real me. The me I lock away from everyone.

She took her hand off of my chest and looked away from me sighing and I then did the same. She sat back down on the bed and continued to look at her laptop. I walked into my decent sized walk in closet and put my boxer briefs, socks and black sweat pants on.

As I reentered my room I noticed Mia laying on her back and was playing music from her laptop.

I laid on my back beside her and stared up at the ceiling like she was doing.

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