Chapter 38

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Two days. We have two days to get Miguel his money.. If we Dont? He's going to do a lot more more damage than just put us in a hospital. Dean hasn't said anything about it today. I understand that he doesn't like to talk about it, but I would love it if he would just let me into that thick head of his..

Update on Jonah: The doctors are saying that his wounds are healing perfectly and that there's a good chance that he will wake up soon. The doctor also said that coma patient's sometime respond to music so we've been playing all of his favorite songs and I've been singing to him all day. Earlier I sung As real as you and me by Rihanna to him he likes that song. One day when we were all watching Home Jonah started to cry when he thought that O died, that song was playing. He is something else, that's for sure.

Right now I was singing Together we can by The Cheetah Girls, yes The Cheetah Girls! If it's one thing he loves, it's Disney movies.

"Hold on, sit tight. Are you ready for a crazy ride? Your on your own, it ain't right. Something gotta give tonight" I sang.

Everyone including Dean looked up at me and smiled. They know he loves that song.

"So if you wanna run, run and disappear. You and I can bust our way right out of here!" Jess sang with me.

We even started to do the dance, Jonah made sure that we all knew it "Together we can! Shoot the moon, stop the rain even ride a hurricane,
If we wanna" I pulled Dean up to his feet and told him to sing, he was hesitant but he eventually joined us. "Together we can! Walk into space, save the human race, do you think we oughta, oughta?"

"Guys keep singing! I think Jonah like it!!" Noah yelled excitedly and his parents rushed over beside him.

My heart literally dropped to my stomach and I can tell the same happened to Jess and Dean. Soon enough Jake, Chris and Damon were all singing to.. It was the funniest thing ever. Picture four 6 foot something buff men dancing and flipping their invisible hair to The Cheetah Girls! You would die. Death by laughter!

"Here we take our time, we can have it all. I don't think we're gonna make it on our own! Together we can!
Even ride a hurricane, if we wanna. (C'mon) Walk into space save the human race. Do you think we oughta? Together we can!" We all sang.

"He's waking up!" Noah and Jonah's mom yelled.

Dean then ran out of the room and came back with three nurses and a doctor.

"Everyone give him some space please" The Dr said. "Jonah if you can hear me, can you squeeze my finger? Even just a little?"

We waited a few moments and then began to doubt if he was really waking up or not. But to all of our surprise, instead of squeezing the Doc's finger, he opened an eye. It was faint, and quick but he did it!

Everyone was excited and was on the verge of crying. Me on the other hand was about to throw up those French fries I ate a little while ago and to make it worse, Dean picked me up and happily spun me around.

At that point I was on longer able to hold it in so I ran to the bathroom and puked my brains out. Jess was behind me holding my hair out of the way.

"First of all, ew!" She scrunched up her face. "This is your fifth time throwing up today. If I didn't know any better I'd say your pregnant"

I sighed. "Don't be ridiculous Jess. That's impossible. It's just food poisoning.."

"My ass.. You guys are knocking boots right?"

I shrugged. "Yea"

"Are you using protection?"

I sighed and looked down.

She gasped. "Mia! You naughty girl!"

I slapped her arm. "Shhhh! It was only two times. We kind of forgot to..."

"Its that good huh?" She smirked at me. "And it's obviously not impossible and I highly doubt that it's food poisoning.."

Realization then hit me like a ton of freaking bricks. I got up from the floor and rinsed my mouth out. When I was done I leaned against the counter and thought for a moment.

Dean and I didn't use a condom the first time we had sex and then it was that time in the bathtub.. Come to think of it, I haven't had my period.. Oh my God.

"Oh my God" I looked at Jess's surprised face. "Oh my God!"

"Oh boy"

"That would explain why I keep throwing up and why I hate the smell of chicken! I love chicken.. Oh my God, Jess!" I put my hands on my stomach. "I could be pregnant.."

She stared at my stomach. "Oh my God"


Jonah update: He's awake.

Dean and I were sitting on the bed next to him while everyone got something to eat and Jess went to the store for me.

Jonah was drowsy, he was having a little trouble with keeping his eyes open.

"Hey Jaz" Dean said.

"Hey fucker" his voice was very horse, not the usual smoothness that we're all so very use to.

Dean chuckled. "How you feeling?"

"Ehh, you know.. Like I got hit by a 8 wheeler" he said like it was nothing.

Dean put his head down and sighed. "Jaz listen-"

"Stop" he cut Dean off. "I wasn't Brain dead. I heard most of everything. And I'll tell you this right now, none of this was your fault man. Your my bro, I know you wouldn't have done anything to purposely hurt me" he stared Dean in the eyes. "So stop bitching and get revenge on that son of a bitch"

I Dont think I've ever seen Jonah so serious. Just by the look on Dean's face, I knew something big was about to go down. Big or small, I'm going to be right beside Dean the entire time.

They fist bumped. "I got you bro"

I just hope nobody else gets hurt.

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