Chapter Nineteen

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The Story Of Us

Chapter Nineteen

Book One

Mia's Pov


"I don't know if I can do this Jess," I shook my head at her.

"I don't really think you have a choice hun... This is happening so let's just get it over with."

I sighed, "I know... You're right. Your coming with me, right? Cause what if they're there? I don't think I can see their faces."

Jess pulled me into a hug, "Of course, I'm coming with you. You know I got you."

"If you want, we'll all come with you.." Noah told me.

"Really? You guys would do that?" I asked them all with surprise and hesitancy.

"We got your back girl!" Chris smiled at me.

"This is serious. So we'll help in any way we can," Damon told me genuinely. 

Jess smiled at him with admiration in her eyes. Which made me smile because she likes him a lot and it's super obvious that he feels the same. 

I smiled shyly at all of them and said, "Thanks guys," warmth spread in my chest knowing that I now have a little more support from friends, through this. 

I looked over at Dean who was leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest. He looked to be in deep thought. 

I wondered what he was thinking about. Maybe he's thinking about what happened the other day with his mom. As far as I know, he hasn't gone to see her since then and he's been staying here at the hose he shared with his brother. 

Maybe he's embarrassed about it... Embarrassed that I was there to witness it all. I wanted to assure him that he had nothing to be embarrassed about. That we're friends and I'm here for him. But I decided to just give him his space instead. He wasn't talking much these last few days either and he mostly seemed to just drift off, consumed with his own thoughts whenever someone wasn't talking directly to him.

He noticed me staring at him, his jaw clenched before he looked away.

He must be mad at me... I figured that already but it still kind of stung.

I looked down at my hands and sighed, "We should get going."

We all got into our cars and made our way to my house. I didn't see my parent's car in the driveway, which I was grateful for. All I really wanted to do was kick that stupid 'sold' sign that penetrated my freshly cut grass. 

My body grew hot with anger as I jumped out of my car and walked over to the taunting sign and began to kick it repeatedly until it was bent and broken. 

"Feel better?" Jess asked from the driveway with the rest of the guys.

I kicked it one last time for good measure. Now a little out of breath, I adjusted my shirt and fixed my jacket before I said, "That's better."

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