Chapter Thirteen

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The Story Of Us

Chapter Thirteen



Five hours of playing video games! Five hours! The guys hit the five hour mark, forty five minutes ago! For the first few hours, Jess and I just played some games on our phones and scrolled through social media. Then, I had gotten so bored that I actually decided to play the damn game. Apparently, I'm a natural.

I was on the team with Jonah and Noah. We were playing against Dean, Damon and Jake. This round, I was player one on my team and I was up against Jake.

"There's no way I'm losing to a girl again!" Jake shouted.

"Yeah well, we'll see about that," I confidently told him.

"Cocky much," Jake grumbled.

I smiled at him and said, "Absloutly," before returning my focus back to the game.

"Come on, Mia! You can do this!" Jonah shouted.

"I'm trying!" I said as I stood up to focus better on the game.

My sexy female character did one last combo move and destroyed Jake's burley male character.

"Yeah!!" Jonah and Noah shouted with me as we all jumped up and down briefly in excitement.

"I just destroyed you. Again!" I gloated with a grin.

Jonah, Noah and I were so excited that we won, we started to do our happy winner dance as we sang, "We won, we won, we won."

It was funny to watch grown men pout like little babies because a girl beat them in a video game.

Damon and Jake were both glaring at me, "What? A girl never beat you at you're own game before?"

"Oh please. Beginner's luck," Jake said being a sore loser.

"Beginners luck four times in a row?" I gave Jake a condescending smile and patted him on the knee. "Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night." I chuckled.

I looked at Dean but he quickly looked away from me. He's been doing that all day for some reason, which is weird because he had no problem looking at me earlier. I'd look at him, he'd look away. He'd look at me and I'd look away. He has basically been avoiding me at all cost today, barely even saying a word to me. I'm sensing some tension between us and I would really love to know why.

He got up and went into the kitchen. A moment laster, Jess got up and followed him. Nobody else but me seemed to noticed.

Something's not right... I thought to myself.

I got up and quietly followed them. I made it seem like I just had to use the bathroom but really I hid behind the corner so I could eavesdrop on Jess and Dean.

I know it's wrong to eavesdrop on people but I had to! Everyone was acting weird today, so, something has to be going on that I don't know about. I don't like being in the dark about things. We're all friends, so what's up with the secrets?

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