Chapter Ten: The Party/ Part Two

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The Story Of Us

Chapter One: The Party/Part One



"Hello!" Jess snapped her fingers to get the boys attention. "Y'all might wanna close your mouths. Your drooling a little."

"You girls look..." Jonah started, "Fucking amazing," Noah finished for him.

"Y'all single?" Chris asked us, "I'm asking for a friend."

"Yes, we are," Jess nodded laughing.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I have to get used to saying that I'm single and being okay with that. It's not that I miss being with Adam because I don't. I just miss having someone to call my own. But, yeah, I'm single and I need to have fun like Jess said.

"Well, would you look at that? So am I! Ain't God good? Wont he do it?  Y'all should stick with me tonight. Just the three of us," Jake said, throwing his arms over our shoulders.

"Let's make that threesome, a foursome," Chris suggested with a grin.

"Uh, sorry man. No can do. You know what they say, Three's a party, four's crowd" Jake shrugged.

"Dick," Chris aimed that insult at Jake. "Mia, babe... You are looking so very sexy tonight," he embraced me in a hug.

I was expecting Chris's hands to go around my waist, but instead he placed them right on my ass... I squealed, but still hugged him back. Even though his hands were on my ass and he was flirting with me, I knew he wasn't serious. Chris just seemed like that kind of guy that doesn't think with his head, but thinks with his head, if you know what I mean. But for some reason, with me, I knew he was just messing around. That's the only reason I didn't smack him upside his head, for touching my ass.

"If you wanna keep both of your hands, I suggest you move them. Now," Dean told Chris, his voice dark and intimidating.

Chris removed his hands from my ass and backed away slowly with his hands in the air now, surrendering. "Sorry love, someones already claimed, I guess."

 I smiled at him, knowing that he was just being a smart-ass, and made my way over to stand next to Dean.

"Thank you," I told him.

"No problem, princess," he winked at me and grabbed my hand.

He didn't hold my hand in a romantic kind of way, but in a territorial and protective kind of way. Either way I'm not complaining. Having a big, sexy, intimidating guy protecting me from potential creeps, may not be a bad thing.

"Jessica, you look absolutely gorgeous," Damon said, pulling her close to him.

"You look pretty gorgeous yourself," she flirted wrapping her arms around his neck.

They had really hit it off earlier today. Their connection was almost instant. Like, I mean, they were inseparable. She had completely melted in his arms just now and it was so adorable. She must really like him. He obviously likes her. He made that very clear today. I haven't seen her this interested in a guy since... Well, since the accident. Her boyfriend at the time, Jorden, was too overwhelmed with grief that he just took off one day and never came back. She's hardly been interested in a guy since then. So I'm amazed and in awe at my best friend. She wasn't just trying to help me heal, but herself too. She's been trying to get our lives back to some kind of normalcy and look at us now. At a house party and hanging out with boys... I'm happy for her, though, and so so proud of her. Maybe I'll be normal again too, one day.

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